By Linda Bentley | NOVEMBER 4, 2015
Johnny Ringo sues neighbors in effort to take their land
CAVE CREEK – Back in February, John Briganti, known locally as Johnny Ringo, filed a complaint against his neighbors Kurt and Terri Klimek in Maricopa County Superior Court along with an application for a temporary restraining order to prevent the Klimeks from removing or damaging structures and improvements made by Briganti that encroach on the Kimeks’ property.
By Linda Bentley | NOVEMBER 4, 2015
Cave Creek isn’t celebrating court consolidation
‘Cave Creek pays a significant amount more for operational expenses and directly incurs most incidental costs of the court’
CAVE CREEK – Although the consolidated Carefree-Cave Creek Municipal Court received a sterling performance audit, Cave Creek Town Manager Peter Jankowski recently issued a memo to council questioning the financial arrangement between the two towns and recommended council discuss making some equity adjustments to the intergovernmental agreement.
By Linda Bentley | NOVEMBER 4, 2015
U.S. DOE urges educators embrace illegal aliens
Build a supportive and welcoming institutional environment for illegal alien students by hosting an ‘undocumented immigrant awareness day’
WASHINGTON – On Oct. 20 the U.S. Department of Education (DOE) issued a 63-page “Resource Guide: Supporting Undocumented Youth.”
It is subtitled: “A Guide for Success in Secondary and Postsecondary Settings.”
The introduction begins with the open-boarders mantra, “As a nation of immigrants, the United States has benefitted tremendously from the talents, values, and contributions of newcomers to our shores.”
NOVEMBER 4, 2015
Border Report
Nogales CBP Officers Stop Meth Smugglers
Customs and Border Protection officers arrested three Nogales, Sonora, Mexico, residents allegedly involved in smuggling attempts at the Port of Nogales over the weekend, resulting in the seizure of more than 45 pounds of methamphetamine.
NOVEMBER 4, 2015
Debt ceiling deal locks in increased spending for two years
FAIRFAX, Virginia – Americans for Limited Government President Rick Manning today issued the following statement blasting the two-year budget deal that suspends the debt ceiling until after the November 2016 elections:
"It is absurd that Republicans in the House have allowed a lame duck speaker to negotiate a debt ceiling that locks in increased spending for not one, but two years, weakening their power of the purse.
NOVEMBER 4, 2015
Superintendent Diane Douglas: “Arizona parents and children are winners today”
PHOENIX – Arizona Superintendent of Public Instruction Diane Douglas released the following statement after the Arizona State Board of Education voted 6-2 to sever Arizona’s ties to the Common Core standards.
NOVEMBER 4, 2015
Foothills Food Bank & Resource Center seeks donor sponsors for families
CAVE CREEK – The Foothills Food Bank & Resource Center seeks donors to brighten the holiday season for children, families and seniors in the northern Arizona foothills community. The food bank is working with more than a dozen local organizations and churches to provide gifts, holiday meals and hope for those in crisis in the community. The 13th annual Adopt-a-Family program will be held on Sunday, December 13 at Holland Community Center in north Scottsdale. A second site for Black Canyon City and New River residents will be held on Saturday, December 12 at High Desert Park.