NOVEMBER 4, 2015
Debt ceiling deal locks in increased spending for two years
FAIRFAX, Virginia – Americans for Limited Government President Rick Manning today issued the following statement blasting the two-year budget deal that suspends the debt ceiling until after the November 2016 elections:
"It is absurd that Republicans in the House have allowed a lame duck speaker to negotiate a debt ceiling that locks in increased spending for not one, but two years, weakening their power of the purse.
"The irony is that Boehner's only major achievement as Speaker was budget sequestration that slowed down the growth of the debt for three years. Sadly that achievement is wiped away by this parting shot. It is rare that an outgoing Speaker would take an eraser to his own legacy.
"Speaker Boehner resigned his post due to concerns over his autocratic rule of the House. As a final going away gift, he is using the manufactured debt ceiling crisis to run over the next Speaker's fiscal prerogatives, negating any real reforms that might have been implemented.
Let us hope the House stops him by opposing the rule to bring this measure to the floor. A vote for the rule can only be viewed as a vote for the bill."