NOVEMBER 4, 2015

Senator Kelli Ward supports repealing Common Core decision

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Senator Kelli Ward, DO, commends the Arizona State Board of Education for voting 6-2 to repeal Common Core in Arizona. 

Senator Ward has been a vocal and staunch opponent of the Common Core State Standards (CCSS) since she was elected to the legislature. A fierce fighter against Federal overreach, Sen. Ward, the Chairwoman of the Senate Education Committee, continues to support the Republican National Committee's resolution opposing CCSS. She states: "I continue to rally against the inappropriate Federal overreach to standardize and control the education of our children. One-size-fits-all education does not exist - I believe in local control. I also believe that parents, families, and teachers -not government bureaucrats - know best how to help our children achieve success.  We all need to keep our children's interest and ability to achieve and succeed at the forefront of this discussion."

Dr. Kelli Ward is the conservative challenger to John McCain in the Republican primary for the US Senate in 2016 and plans to bring her common-sense conservatism, principled leadership style, and her proven effectiveness to Washington, DC - creating a government that always works for the people.

Find out more about Dr. Ward's campaign at

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