VOL. 18  ISSUE NO. 25   | JUNE 20 – 26, 2012


Rural/Metro ready for July 3rd and 4th fireworks

Lane said over the past five or six years she has secured approximately $3 million in grants for the town
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CAVE CREEK – During Monday night’s council meeting, Mayor Vincent Francia expressed his condolences on the passing of Councilman Jim Bruce’s father, whom Francia said was 101 or 102 years old, which also explained Bruce’s absence.

During call to the public, Charles Spitzer thanked whoever was responsible for posting the May financials on the web.

He also expressed concerns about the budget and asked, “How many towns in Arizona are giving 6 percent catch up and 3 percent merit raises?”

john kraetzSpitzer said Cave Creek was the only one and asked council if it wouldn’t be more prudent to pay down some of the town’s bond debt instead.

Rural/Metro Chief John Kraetz (l) said preparations were underway for the July 3 and 4 fireworks.

Kraetz stated there would be a heavy group of wildland fire personnel on hand and said, “We’re ready.”

jayne laneEngineering Assistant Jayne Lane (r) said the town has been awarded a grant she had applied for from the Federal Highway Administration and the Arizona Department of Transportation (ADOT) in the amount of $139,430 over a three-year period of time for Engineering Study and Management System with $60,000 in FY 2012 and sign replacement with $35,100 in FY 2013 and $44,330 in FY 2014.

Lane said the program satisfies new requirements in the Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices.

Although the town only requested $95,000, Lane said she attended the meeting where the awards were made and there was $44,330 left over, which she expressed a need for before anyone else.

So, the town will receive those additional funds.

Lane also stated the grant does not require any matching funds from the town.

Francia thanked Lane for her hard work in securing grant funds for the community.

Councilman Dick Esser’s motion to authorize the mayor to enter into an Intergovernmental Agreement (IGA) between the town and ADOT for the grant funding passed unanimously.
Esser echoed the mayor’s sentiments thanking Layne and said, “Once again we scored a victory for a small community.”

Francia asked Lane how many grants she has secured for the town since she’s been there.
Lane said over the past five or six years she has secured approximately $3 million in grants for the town.

The town voted unanimously to approve a sixth amendment to the IGA between the town and Maricopa County Library District, which Town Clerk Carrie Dyrek said since 2006 has passed $240,356 through the town to Desert Foothills Library. She said it has been averaging about $50,000 per year for the library.

Also unanimously approved was a three-year contract with the Maricopa County Sheriff’s Office, which Town Marshal Adam Stein said was virtually the same contract the town has had with MCSO.

Stein called MCSO a great asset to the community and commented about the great relationship the town has with Commander Rich Burden.

As discussed during the last meeting, Dyrek brought Policy #42 forward for review regarding contracting for community services.

She said the policy was adopted in 2000 and amended in 2004.

The policy allows contracting for services with Cave Creek Museum ($20,000), Desert Foothills Library ($20,000), Foothills Animal Rescue ($10,000) and the Cave Creek Chamber of Commerce for Wild West Days ($10,000) and Fiesta Days ($10,000).

Since Foothills Animal Rescue has moved out of town, Dyrek said the town contracts with Maricopa County for those services.

Councilman Steve LaMar clarified the intent of the policy was for the town to contract with organizations that provide services to the town that are often provided by larger cities and towns rather than simply making contributions to nonprofit organizations.

During public comment, Johnny Ringo said he was president of the chamber, which he stated changed its name to the Cave Creek Merchants and Events Association.

He said the new chamber’s goal is to support the town’s merchants through events.

Ringo suggested the town also support the chamber by increasing business license fees by $10 in the upcoming year and $25 the following year with the additional amount going to the chamber.

Vice Mayor Ernie Bunch asked if that wasn’t mandatory participation in an organization and said it was reminiscent of Obamacare.

Town Attorney Marlene Pontrelli pointed out that was not on the agenda for discussion and Town Manager Usama Abujbarah stated it would need to come back to council if council wished to adopt a change to its business license fees.

LaMar moved to approve the policy with changes that included changing the name of the chamber to its new name, removing Foothills Animal Rescue and eliminating the amounts associated with each, stating it was misleading and gave a false sense of expectation.

The motion was approved unanimously.

Just prior to adjourning, Francia reminded everyone the July 3 and 4 fireworks were coming up.

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