Cave Creek Mayoral hopeful announces candidacy early
‘Your days in office are numbered, Mr. Mayor!’
CAVE CREEK – Well-known Cave Creek resident Bonnie Thump, a.k.a. “Velvet,” has announced her intention to be a candidate for mayor of the Town of Cave Creek in the 2013 primary election. She sat down with representatives of Sonoran News recently for a question and answer session.
Ms. Thump stated, “It really inks me that, unlike some towns, Cave Creek does not have term limits for its elected politicians. This has led to Vincent Francia being dubbed “mayor for life.” Indeed he has been this town’s mayor for most of my lifetime. I want to put an end to that and will offer a serious alternative to him. Your days in office are numbered, Mr. Mayor! My goal is to capture 100 percent of the male voters and I am taking this opportunity to offer any man who identifies himself as a Cave Creek resident – with proper ID, of course – a free lap dance at Club Barbizon off Central Avenue in Phoenix. I might add I was highly disappointed the town did not turn the property across from Harold’s into a strip club; it just shows the thinking that must go on behind closed doors at town hall.”
She continued, “I’ll soon be filing my official PAC papers. The PAC is designated, “Put Francia Out of Office.” I am looking for a chairman and treasurer, so if anyone wants to volunteer, they can find me at my club.”
“One last thing,” she added, “I am an equal-opportunity dancer so any woman who wants a lap dance is always welcome at my club.”