Community invited to enter contest to name new Cave Creek business
CAVE CREEK – A new antique furniture store is coming to Cave Creek. Buying trips all over the country and abroad have netted a wide selection of American, European and Asian antique furniture and decor that will appeal to individuals of every style and budget.
A fascinating approach is being taken to give the store a name. In an effort to garner community support, everyone is invited to enter the contest to name the store. There are no age or residency requirements. The only restriction is that only one name may be submitted at a time. You are welcome to submit as many names as you like. Your name and likeness may be used to announce the winner.
No compensation will be provided to the winner. It’s just for fun!
The contest is open from now until April 15, when it will close to allow for a winner to be chosen and proper signage to be created. It is anticipated the sign will be painted on the building rather than having one constructed and hung.
Town ordinances require the building must be brought up to code with respect to plumbing and electrical systems. Local contractors are being sought to submit bids for completing the work in time for inspection in advance of a May 1 target move-in date.
A design for a complete remodel including doors, windows, lighting and floors will also be sought. Local designers and suppliers are preferred.
Paint, fabric and displays will also be needed upon completion of the remodeling.
For more information and to enter the contest e-mail info@contesttonamethenewcavecreekantiquestore.com.