VOL. 18  ISSUE NO. 9   | FEBRUARY 29 – MARCH 6, 2012


Will Cold Case Posse clear Obama or confirm allegations?

‘When I have a press conference, I talk about something’

JOE ARPAIOPHOENIX – Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio (l) will be holding a long-awaited press conference at 1 p.m. on March 1 to reveal the preliminary findings of his Cold Case Posse’s investigation into President Barack Obama’s birth certificate, other documents and background information pertinent to his eligibility to be president.

After being petitioned last year by approximately 250 citizens to look into what numerous experts claim is a fraudulently created birth certificate, Arpaio decided to have his Cold Case Posse to look into the allegations about Obama’s background, fraudulently created documents and use of a Connecticut-issued Social Security number, which resulted in a Social Security number mismatch notice when a Seattle woman ran Obama’s information through E-Verify.

While Arpaio has been tight-lipped about what will be revealed during Thursday’s press conference, last week he said the investigation was doing the president a favor with the intention of clearing his name.

Arpaio stated he takes his job and the allegations very seriously and said, “I don't have press conferences just to get my name on television” adding, “When I have a press conference, I talk about something.”