VOL. 17 ISSUE NO. 44   |   NOVEMBER 2 – 8, 2011


SPECIAL EVENTS MEETINGSpecial events not so special anymore

‘Special events is a misnomer. There’s nothing special about them. We’re having them all the time’

CAVE CREEK – During Tuesday evening’s special work session, Planning Director Ian Cordwell said the town removed the special event ordinance from the zoning ordinance and placed it in the town code.   Keep reading ...


colleen mathisSenate gives IRC Chair Colleen Mathis the boot

Mathis failed to conduct the IRS’s business in open meetings and failed to adjust the grid map utilizing the goals set forth in the Constitution

PHOENIX – Late Tuesday, the state Senate voted 21-6 in favor of Governor Jan Brewer’s recommendation to remove Chair Colleen Mathis from the Independent Redistricting Commission (IRC) for what Brewer claimed constituted “substantial neglect of duty and gross misconduct in office.”    Keep reading ...

NOVEMBER 2, 2011

town seal of carefreeSpecial meeting notice of the Town Council of Carefree

CAREFREE – At 4 p.m. on Wednesday, Nov. 9, the Town Council of Carefree is inviting the general public to attend a special meeting to discuss the recent survey results.  The meeting will be held at Carefree Town Hall Chambers, 100 Easy Street, Carefree.

This meeting is to exchange information only; no legal decisions will be made.


sheriff joe arpaioCold Case Posse delivering on Arpaio’s promise

Records and narratives about Obama’s birth seem to indicate Obama Sr. may not actually be Obama’s biological father

PHOENIX – After being petitioned by the Surprise Tea Party to look into the allegations that the birth certificate Obama released on April 27 was a forgery, Arpaio promised he would look into the matter subsequently asked his Cold Case Posse to investigate.    Keep reading ...

NOVEMBER 2, 2011

black mountain photo contest 2010 winnerBlack Mountain Photo Contest finalists announced!

CAREFREE/CAVE CREEK/SCOTTSDALE – Desert Foothills Land Trust is pleased to announce the finalists in the Black Mountain Photo Contest.  Professional photographers Don Asakawa, Alan Lowy and Jerry Sieve reviewed nearly 70 entries and chose 15 finalists.  Keep reading ...

NOVEMBER 2, 2011

NRA Files Protest Letter in Opposition of BLM's Resource Management Plan for Recreational Shooting Ban

The National Rifle Association has filed a letter protesting the Bureau of Land Management’s (BLM) final resource management plan for Ironwood Forest National Monument that will close the entire monument to recreational shooting.  Keep reading ...

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