Kiwanis donates $6,000 toward refurbishing sundial
On behalf of the Kiwanis Club of Carefree, Manny Gonzales presented the town with a check for $6,000 as a donation toward the refurbishment of the sundial. Photo by Linda Bentley
CAREFREE – During Tuesday’s Call to the Public, Raymond Arnold thanked council for raising the speed limit to 30 MPH in Carefree, which he said was a very comfortable speed but still allows him to stop on a dime if a family of quail should cross the road.
Lyn Hitchon also spoke, echoing Arnold’s sentiments about the increased speed limit.
With Councilman Arthur Gimson absent, council accepted a $6,000 check presented by Manny Gonzales on behalf of the Kiwanis Club of Carefree as a donation toward the refurbishment of the sundial.
Kimber Lanning of Local First Arizona made a presentation to council demonstrating how supporting local businesses keeps more of the money in the community than when doing business with national corporations. She provided an example of the financial impact it would make if people shifted just 10 percent of their business locally.
Council unanimously approved a transfer consent resolution for the transfer of license from CoxCom LLC to Cox Communications Arizona. According to the representative from Cox, whenever there is a transfer in the ownership of assets, approval from council is required.
Council voted unanimously to approve street closures for the Parade of Lights Christmas Parade on Dec. 10, as well as other closures on Dec. 8 and 11 for the Christmas Festival.
Council recommended approval of a Series 12 Restaurant Liquor License for Duke’s Chop House, LLC, a new restaurant opening at 99 Easy Street, the former location of Saguaro Grill.
Vice Mayor Melissa Price told owner Ken Moss, “Welcome.”
Moss responded by saying he was looking forward to establishing a new restaurant in town.
Following suggestions from council, Town Accountant Jim Keen said next month’s financial report will have an additional line item reflecting the total of unrestricted funds.
Town Clerk Betsy Wise congratulated Rural/Metro Fire Chief John Kraetz for obtaining a grant to purchase new radios. She told council the radios have been purchased and the town just received reimbursement of approximately $92,000.
Mayor David Schwan announced there will be a town hall meeting at 8:30 a.m. on Nov. 5 for all citizens to attend. He said the meeting used to be held for HOAs but is now being held for all town citizens, providing them with an opportunity to speak to council about their concerns.
At 4 p.m. on Nov. 9, the town will hold another workshop where it will discuss the results of its recent surveys.