JANUARY 29, 2014
Nonprofit organizations to benefit from Running of the Bulls

CAVE CREEK – Running With the Bulls USA is paying a special tribute to fallen Special Operations warriors by selecting Operation Hawkeye (OHe) as their National Partner in all of their 2014 events. Helping close the awareness gap of the sacrifices these warriors and their families make; a portion of every runner registration in the 2014 Bull Run season will benefit OHe's special projects.
Operation Hawkeye's mission honors the fallen, informs others of their heroism, and advances actions that support America’s elite warriors and their families. Through special projects, the organization works to augment the efforts of other organizations such as the Navy SEAL Foundation, That Others May Live Foundation, and more. “Operation Hawkeye is grateful for the support of the Running With the Bulls Festival. Our fallen Special Operations forces heroes leave behind loved ones in need of assistance and it is our mission, with contributions from teammates like the Running With the Bulls Festival, to help them in every way possible. The upcoming event promises to be an exciting one, and offers a great way to support our military families!” -William Thomas of Operation Hawkeye. Visit www.ophawkeye.com for more information.
In addition to Operation Hawkeye, the Cave Creek Bull Run will be supporting other local nonprofit organizations. The Friday night Charity and Media Run is open to anyone that would like to run with the bulls to benefit the charity of their choice. A percentage of the proceeds from that run will be given to the runner's designated charity.
The Cave Creek Bull Run will also be collecting canned food for the Foothills Food Bank and Resource Center - bring 25 cans of food and enter the event as a spectator for free! The Foothills Food Bank and Resource Center provides emergency food, financial assistance and other life necessities and resources to individuals and families in the desert foothills. For more information about Foothills Food Bank, call 480-488-1145 or visit www.foothillsfoodbank.com.
A portion of the proceeds from the vendor and concession stands will benefit The Valley Hispanic Bomberos. The Bomberos are an organization of firefighters and associate members that provide scholarships, mentoring, and community health outreach programs. Visit www.vhbomberos.org.
Can’t make it to Cave Creek? Running With the Bulls has expanded nationwide and will be invading central Texas in March, Las Vegas, NV in April, Salt Lake metro area, UT in July, and Central Texas this fall. Visit www.runwiththebullsusa.com for specific dates and more information.
Special thanks to the sponsors - Univision Communications, PLS Financial, Hogs and Horses, Lip Rehab, Ride Now, and Slices Pizza.