Feature Articlespet news


March 30, 2016

Caring for older pets

Pets are more than just our companions—they are a part of the family. As your pet ages, it is important to consult your veterinarian for help providing the proper care for your senior pet’s changing needs.

Every animal is different, so the senior life stage occurs at different ages in different pets. For instance, dogs are typically considered seniors at seven years old, but older dogs age quicker than smaller dogs. Cats can be considered mature at 7 years and seniors at 11 years old. Breed and species aside, your pet’s genetics, nutrition, health, and environment will ultimately determine when your pet is considered a senior.

MULLET OVER BY JAMES K. WHITE  |  March 30, 2016

The most popular fruit in the world

james k whiteFor you Downton Abbey fans: the setting for much of the action involving the Crawley family was recorded in a real castle, Highclere. The owner of the edifice in the early part of the 20th century was the 5th Earl of Canarvon and this nobleman financed none other than Howard Carter on his quest to discover ancient Egyptian tombs. Carter found King Tutankhamen’s secret burial site along with fantastic riches. While at the site, the Earl of Canarvon was bitten by an insect (likely a mosquito) and the tiny wound led to an infection which killed the unfortunate man.  Thusly the legendary curse of the King Tut’s tomb was launched. Several others involved with excavation and looting met episodes of tragedy (including premature deaths). Rumor has it that presently ineffable treasures are kept uncatalogued and disorganized in underground vaults beneath Highclere Castle.