March 30–April 5, 2016
For All Signs: Mercury, ancient messenger god, is unusually busy throughout this week. This suggests that most of us will be preoccupied with communication of one form or another. There may be many phone calls, messages, letters, quick conversations, rapid decisions, and/or papers to write. The period is favorable for probing into causes and finding the bottom line to any matter. Beware of the tendency to jump to conclusions or acting before all the facts are clear. Remind yourself of how the old “gossip” game is played and don’t take what you hear very seriously unless it is verified
Aries: Give special attention to the lead paragraph because Mercury is traveling at an unusually rapid pace through your sign. You must be sharp as a tack to manage everything and even then, mistakes are still possible. There is an intensity about the week. Remember to breathe.
Taurus: You may have a tendency during this period to slide into old and outmoded patterns of emotional behavior. Maybe this will be brought on by the re-entry of someone in your life. While it may be fun for a short time, very quickly you will become fatigued with it and shake loose of that outdated habit.
Gemini: You may feel the need to bring an abrupt halt to your relationship with a business or organization that is pulling a power play. The IRS is out of bounds. You have to deal with them. However, you probably can find another bank, insurance company, or other business that promises more fair play.
Cancer: People of the past may resurface. You will be glad to see these individuals, but more likely you will be reminded why they are no longer in your life. Somehow they are associated with old wounds in your past and you would just as soon let those memories go back to the ethers.
Leo: You are in a handicapped spot right now. You may have legal or ethical issues on your plate. The Powers That Be are running the show and almost any move you make outside of the box will be challenged. For the time being you are surrounded. Accept this with grace for the present.
Virgo: A sudden change concerning joint resources, debt, taxes, insurance matters may cause you to reel wildly for a bit. There could be a certain amount of drama in this department, such as a sudden need to access a large sum of money. Hold onto your natural caution. Think about this before you accept the drama at face value. Is it your drama or that of someone else?
Libra: Venus, your ruling planet, has entered the 7th house of relationships and will be there until late April. She brings improvements in clientele, social life and partnerships. This is a good time to ask for a consultation if you need it. You are especially able to balance with others during this period in order to resolve win-win solutions.
Scorpio: It is of paramount importance that you control your mouth this week, especially in the work arena. Although you have an opinion about whatever is happening, let it go and say nothing unless asked for it. Being “right” is not as important as maintaining human relations. This is not a good time to argue.
Sagittarius: Whatever is occurring at this time is clearly intense and emotion-laden. You may feel as though your very life depends upon making your point of view heard and acknowledged. It is important to play your personal political cards carefully. Don’t attempt a takeover unless you are prepared for a serious pushback.
Capricorn: The Capricorn Goat is so focused on his or her direction that he sometimes becomes overbearing and pushy to others. Now is a time in which partners or other significant people are not cooperating. They may be fatigued with your constant management and delegation of projects. Ease off if you want to maintain these relationships.
Aquarius: A project begun in December is showing signs of growth and development at this time. Although it needs more work, at this point it shows the possibility of manifestation. You may be in the midst of persuading others to your point of view. They are listening, so carry it further. Your mind is both steady and imaginative now.
Pisces: A wound, whether emotional or physical, is due for healing now. Pisces is a sign that often feels “alone” in a crowd. But right now there is a healing presence who rides shotgun with you. The physical wound is most likely something with which you were born and now has a better solution.
Are you interested in a personal horoscope? Vivian Carol may be reached at 704-366-3777 for private psychotherapy or astrology appointments. Visit