Feature Articlespet news


March 9, 2016

Inflammatory Bowel Disease in dogs

Like humans, it is normal for dogs to experience the occasional upset stomach, or episode of diarrhea, but experiencing severe symptoms, such as bloody stools, may be a sign of something more serious.

March 2, 2016

Mini Burros

20 miniature donkeys to arrive at Triple Horse Rescue All will be searching for forever homes 20 miniature donkeys in a multitude of petite sizes and colors, will make their way from Texas to Triple R Horse Rescue's ranch in Cave Creek, Ariz.

All of the tiny donkeys are anxious to find forever homes with loving families and animal lovers. After their arrival, they will be ready to meet their future owners.


Visually unattractive animal dubbed the ocean quahog

james k whiteReports are a brave soul in Orange County, Florida scoffed at warnings of a “mean aggressive alligator” that had made a small lake his new home. One Tommie Woodward explained he had grown up around gators and knew how to handle them – by basically showing no fear. It was at a party about 2 a.m. when Tommie announced to those in the vicinity he “felt like swimming” and continued to ignore verbal warnings referring to the recalcitrant A. mississippiensis. Witnesses indicate Tommie likely suffered only a short time as an 11 foot gator delivered two possibly fatal bites just seconds after Mr. Woodward hit the water. I don’t even like to swim where there are rumors of tadpoles.