March 9 – 15, 2016
For All Signs: The planets Venus and Mars were aligned in Oct-Nov of 2015. Venus, the ancient goddess of love, carries broad feminine and romantic symbolism. Mars is the warrior god and prevails over masculine territory. That alignment (fall, 2015) suggested the conclusion of one relationship and the beginning of another. Alternatively the conjunction speaks of the beginning and ending of episodes or cycles within an ongoing relationship. On a clock it would look like 12:00 with both big and little hands in the same place. The hand that moves faster changes relationship to its partner. This week Venus has moved into the first quarter square to Mars (in the example, it would be 12:15). This marks a time in which we are evaluating the development of that beginning in the fall. By now it has come to a point of tweaking. The direction may be changed from the intended purpose. That shift could be a purely creative outcome or perhaps we can readily perceive potholes that need to be corrected. The “relationship” can be gender oriented or it might be a single piece of creative work. Think about what began for you last fall. Don’t remain rigid or you might strangle it to death.
Aries: A new commitment about beginning a relationship, whether to a person, an education, or a population of people may require you to reevaluate. Now is the time to pour on more steam and energy or to let it return to the ethers. Is this new direction bearing a promise that says “keep it going” or “run like the dickens?”
Taurus: There are stones in your path having to do with a child or a new romance or a creative work, which began in the fall. You can see the challenges now that you could not see at that time. If this is about a child, you have no choice but to see things through. But if it is a creative work or a new lover, now is the time to press it forward or let it go.
Gemini: You want to challenge the rules or the authorities and this is not the time to expect success, regardless of the topic. You will be blocked, no matter which way you present your desired outcome. Save yourself the trouble and settle your mind for the present. An opportunity will present itself later, at a better time.
Cancer: Some things about your experiences are a repetition of the past. Step aside if this is past history that was negative. You may be encountering people you have not seen for a very long time. Go with your gut on this one. If your memories are happy, then your experience is likely to be also, but don’t try to recreate it in your present life.
Leo: People from your past may resurface this week. If not specific people, then the week’s experiences are somehow familiar and reminiscent of the past. The probability of whether you want to attend to these developments is 50/50. One aspect suggests a friend or family member that you like. A second aspect suggests an old and tired situation from the past you prefer to avoid.
Virgo: Beware the liar. The probability is high you will encounter one this week, someone who believes his own story, thus making it unclear if he is telling the truth. Check out the sources and ask other people who may know something about the situation. Don’t accept anything of importance at face value.
Libra: Your love of luxury and fine things may cause a battle with your partner, who prefers to keep the belt tightened. This reflects a genuine inner conflict. A fairly strong part of you also wants to play it safe as well. Look for a way to satisfy your wants a little more inexpensively in order to keep the struggle out of the relationship.
Scorpio: This is a time of evaluation. The subject at hand is a new relationship beginning or a fresh promise in an ongoing partnership which developed in the fall of 2015. If you want to grow this relationship further, then a new surge of energy and resources are required. So, is it worth the effort?
Sagittarius: This is not your best week for getting along with others on the playground or at home. Even if you keep to yourself, you may attract those who want to take pokes at you. Don't get caught up in a battle of wills. The energies are short-lived, no more than a few days, and you can return to a more harmonious zone.
Capricorn: This is not your smoothest week. Details may nag your mind and your time like pecking ducks. You and significant others are not having the best of communications right now. You may be in the mood to nit-pick others. Probably you will feel generally better if you work alone.
Aquarius: The more you attempt to hurry, the more rocks in your path. You might just as well slow the pace and allow things to develop as they will. Sometimes the message is: Take Your Time. Rushing along will not get you there any faster.
Pisces: Venus enters your sign this week and will travel “with you” until April 5. The subject of relationship will be very important as you travel through this time. If you have issues with a partner, this is the time to lay them out on the table to take a look at how better to deal with them. Negotiate but do not accuse. Everyone has feelings.
Are you interested in a personal horoscope? Vivian Carol may be reached at 704-366-3777 for private psychotherapy or astrology appointments. Visit