My View
BY DON SORCHYCH | February 17, 2016
Local and national politics
Cave Creek candidates for mayor and council have to have their bona fides in town hall by June 1. The town is estimating the necessary packets will be available by the end of March, allowing candidates two full months to collect signatures.
We are told the dark side (DS) is meeting secretly in Carefree to plot their takeover of council and mayor.
When I authored the abbreviation of DS for the dark side I knew they would trash it in some way, and of course they did.
Guest Editorials:
By JOHN TRAYNOR | February 17, 2016
The Howling
I was utterly amazed to discover that this Carefree Mayor has tripped to the level of the Town’s P&Z Commission blogger in attacking those who disagree with the new party line. Is it possible that paid outside opinion is advising that the only way to prevent people from questioning certain new initiatives, and their cost, is to label those raising awareness as ill-informed crackpots, and then accuse them of “manufacturing facts”. No Mayor Peterson, the facts stand. If the P&Z ‘workshops’ were intended to begin a series of dialogues with residents on building height, why then are they not given greater visibility, and why not do a much better job disclosing content well before scheduled meetings?
By William Heuisler | February 17, 2016
Will Meluskey “Principles” re-elect John McCain?
Did Arizona newcomer Alexander Meluskey break Arizona election laws to help McCain? Meluskey’s entry into McCain’s Primary splits McCain-opponent-votes 3 ways. Accidental? Check McCain’s 34-year-record. He has arranged Primary opponents in most of his elections. And Meluskey’s campaign slogan “Principles not Politics” begs voters to examine his record. In 2012 Alex Meluskey moved his one-man printing business from Pennington, New Jersey to Scottsdale, Arizona. In 2014 this brand new Arizona Republican ran an illegal campaign for PC. (2) Coincidently Meluskey’s campaign helped fulfill McCain’s promise to purge Conservatives.
About 150 days after Meluskey broke Arizona law to win Precinct Committeeman (PC) in Precinct 59 he announced his candidacy for the Arizona Senate seat of John McCain. Amazing ambition; this “principled” printer must be very wealthy. But an examination of Meluskey’s New Jersey and Arizona business, Optimum Graphics USA LLC shows moderate income. And according to his September 2015 FEC report he “loaned” his campaign $201,298.00 and raised $66,247.00. (7)
By Matt Barber | February 17, 2016
Twitter enlists 'gay' thought police
This cannot be good for free speech and the open exchange of ideas. Not for Christians and conservatives anyway.
Twitter announced on Wednesday that it has assembled a new “Twitter Trust & Safety Council” to “ensure that people feel safe expressing themselves on Twitter.”
Who’s for safety?
By Russell Pearce, Former President of the Arizona Senate | February 17, 2016
This nation has a suicide pact
To clear the air on the 14th Amendment, Enough Es Enough: This nation has a suicide pact and several of your presidential candidates are promoters of the destruction of this republic
Are they confused, corrupt or don't care? The issue is back and as usual the liberal media has it all wrong and as do some so called conservatives, and even more disturbing is the ignorance by presidential candidates who have not taken the time or are not smart enough to read the 14th Amendment and understand it even though it is in plain English. Nor have they taken the time to read the debate that took place in 1886.