Guest Editorial
By William Heuisler | February 17, 2016
Will Meluskey “Principles” re-elect John McCain?
Did Arizona newcomer Alexander Meluskey break Arizona election laws to help McCain? Meluskey’s entry into McCain’s Primary splits McCain-opponent-votes 3 ways. Accidental? Check McCain’s 34-year-record. He has arranged Primary opponents in most of his elections. And Meluskey’s campaign slogan “Principles not Politics” begs voters to examine his record. In 2012 Alex Meluskey moved his one-man printing business from Pennington, New Jersey to Scottsdale, Arizona. In 2014 this brand new Arizona Republican ran an illegal campaign for PC. (2) Coincidently Meluskey’s campaign helped fulfill McCain’s promise to purge Conservatives.
About 150 days after Meluskey broke Arizona law to win Precinct Committeeman (PC) in Precinct 59 he announced his candidacy for the Arizona Senate seat of John McCain. Amazing ambition; this “principled” printer must be very wealthy. But an examination of Meluskey’s New Jersey and Arizona business, Optimum Graphics USA LLC shows moderate income. And according to his September 2015 FEC report he “loaned” his campaign $201,298.00 and raised $66,247.00. (7)
How is this possible? Could Meluskey be receiving money from McCain’s Reform Institute? John McCain is famous for his use of “decoy” Primary Republicans to dilute his opposition. Could McCain be arranging Alex Meluskey’s expensive campaign? Has money from McCain’s Alexandria, Virginia, Reform Institute been funneled to Meluskey through Washington DC’s Liberty Promotions and Robert Morris Group? Craig Bergman, Meluskey’s Chairman (and CEO of Robert Morris Group with his VP, Judd Saul) has long, close connections with GOP insiders like McCain. In fact, Bergman and Saul have worked for five Presidential candidates, six Governors, eight Senators and dozens of Congressional races in nearly every State. (6)
In August 2014 Alex Meluskey violated Arizona Revised Statutes (ARS) (16-1001) (16-1003) (16-1019) creating and distributing-to-voters false election slates, endorsements and authorizations. Under ARS Title 16, violations of these laws are class 2 and 3 Misdemeanors and subject to the same penalties as ARS General Election violations. Prima Facie evidence for these violations is Meluskey’s “Voter’s Guide” printed and distributed to Precinct 59 BRONCO voters under the Arizona Republican Party logo, and Maricopa County’s printed Results List below. (1) (3) (4) (5)
In the August 2014 Arizona Primary Election, LD 23 Precinct 59 BRONCO had 16 PC candidates (two more than PC positions available). So by AZ Law all 16 PC candidates were listed on the Primary Ballot for voters to decide. But “principled” printer Alex Meluskey printed and passed out false Arizona Republican Party Voter’s guides for Precinct 59 BRONCO that deliberately excluded two well-known Conservative PCs, Edward and Christine Toschik - numbers 6 and 9 on the Maricopa County Recorder’s list - to make it more certain that the relatively unknown Alexander and Roberta Meluskey could fill the 14 allotted Precinct 59 Committee slots.
1) Did Alexander Meluskey and company print and distribute his own Voter’s Guide? Yes.
2) Was permission given by AZGOP for Meluskey to use the Arizona Republican Banner? No.
3) Who is Alexander Meluskey? His old voter registration was PND - Party Not Designated.
4) Did Meluskey become a Republican PC to replace Conservatives who censured McCain?
This Meluskey-printed guide for Maricopa precinct 59 BRONCO appears to be a product of the Republican Party under Republican Logo and sponsored by 960 Patriot/ Fair Tax Radio. Conservative 2012-elected-PCs, the Toschiks, are not on his “Voter’s Guide”. Unknown Alex and Roberta Meluskey became the required 14 candidates and the guide says “Please vote for all 14”. Below, the County Recorder Results List has all 16 PC 59 candidates in lawful “ballot order.” Note the low Toschik vote. Understand the treachery of professional politicians. And then ask yourself how long will voters allow themselves to be swindled by slick politicians?
Shaler, Patricia M. 298 6.01%
O’Connor, Roderick John, III 334 6.73%
Minnaugh, Michael J. 338 6.81%
O’Connor, Christine H. 353 7.11%
Leicken, David W. 333 6.71%
Toschik, Edward L. 195 3.93%
Reed, Douglas H. 298 6.01%
Riggins, April A. 319 6.43%
Toschik, Christine A. 200 4.03%
Riggins, Jon A. 306 6.17%
Meluskey, Alexander 324 6.53%
Garrett, Karen 364 7.34%
Muehling, Sheila K. 287 5.78%
Meluskey, Roberta J. 321 6.47%
Bronnenkant, Adam Paul 319 6.43%
Garrett, Daniel H. 343 6.91%
Research Meluskey’s Optimum Graphics USA LLC corporate records in New Jersey and Arizona. Look at Meluskey’s FEC reports. (7) Ask how he “loaned” himself $201,298 by 9/30/2015? Check ARS Title 16, Election Laws (3) (4) (5) and read Meluskey’s altered Voter’s Guide to Republican Candidates. (1) Speak to Meluskey’s victims, PCs Edward and Christine Toschik. Two documents, one printed by Alex Meluskey, another by the Maricopa County Recorder, show an illegal contrivance deceiving Voters so Meluskey takes 2 Republican PC positions.
Questions? Call me: US Marine Corps, CIA Contractor, Tucson Police and an investigator with successful investigations into all levels of Government and depths of corruption – from the land fraud of AZ Majority Leader, Burton Barr in 1986 to the drug involvement of Superior Court Judge, Robert Hooker to investigations into Don Bolles’ car bombing and the hit and run killing in Phoenix of Viola Faber by AZ Republic Editor Pat Murphy. All these investigations resulted in exposure, arrest, resignation and/or widely publicized court battles, both Civil and Criminal. For further corroboration see my books on Amazon.
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