APRIL 15, 2015
Cave Creek Museum presents Fan-cy-that!
Hand fans first appeared in Europe in the 12th century and became popular in the 16th, carried by both ladies and gentlemen. They remained popular into the twentieth century, even becoming popular advertising giveaways, but like gloves and hats and other article of civility, they were cast aside during the maelstrom of social change in the late 60’s and early 70s.
APRIL 15, 2015
Desert Foothills Land Trust announces 2015 Spring Photo Workshop
Capturing the Beauty of Our Lands of Interest through Your Photographs
Do you want to take better pictures, but aren't sure where to start? Or are you an 'enthusiast' who just wants your images to pop more? This two-part workshop is a great opportunity for those wanting to increase their skill at taking better nature pictures.
APRIL 15, 2015
20th Anniversary of Sonoran Stars on May 2
Fundraising event to benefit Desert Foothills Land Trust moves to an exciting new venue!
On May 2, 2015 Desert Foothills Land Trust will host its 20th annual Sonoran Stars, and the event is moving to an exciting new location!