APRIL 15, 2015
City volunteers provide nearly 200,000 hours and $5 million value to Scottsdale
National Volunteer Week, April 12-18

Volunteers contribute millions of dollars annually to Scottsdale’s bottom line – but their value to residents and the community goes far beyond money.
They provide guidance and inspiration, support for first responders and serve as role models for our next generation. In short, volunteers are an integral reason why Scottsdale is a great place to live.
One of whom is Jillayne Kirk. She has volunteered since 2007 for Adapted Recreation, a program that provides services to children and adults with special needs.
Jillayne’s spirit of volunteerism started long before her Scottsdale stint. Her high school swim team helped with the Special Olympics, and she hasn’t stopped assisting those with special needs since. She was immediately hooked. “Today, there is so much emphasis on winning and being the best,” she says. “It’s refreshing to see people celebrate their accomplishments simply by doing their best.”
Deanna Zuppan, a supervisor with the Adapted Services area, says it’s shared love all the way around. “We are as appreciative of Jillayne’s assistance as our participants. She is family!”
National Volunteer Week will be commemorated April 12-18, honoring the more than 62.8 million people who volunteer in the United States. The city of Scottsdale too will be honoring its nearly 4,000 volunteers.
In 2014, city volunteers contributed more than 200,000 work hours to the city – a value of almost $5 million. Not factored in are the more than 150 residents who serve on dozens of city boards, commissions, task forces and committees.
The benefits of integrating volunteers are multi-pronged and mutually beneficial.
According to the city’s Volunteer Coordinator Cindi Eberhardt, volunteers augment the many services provided to citizens and visitors at no added cost. She says “In return, we offer volunteers the opportunity to learn new skills, network and build self-esteem.”
The city’s Volunteer Program provides opportunities for people to work in diverse sectors of local government. For example, they can shelf books at the library, repair homes, teach CPR classes, distribute supplies at Vista del Camino’s Food Bank or clean trails in the McDowell Sonoran Preserve. The possibilities are endless.
As part of the commemoration Mayor W. J. “Jim Lane” is proclaiming “National Volunteer Week in Scottsdale” to honor city volunteers. They will be recognized at a ceremony next week at the Scottsdale Civic Center Library.
Get more information about volunteering with the city.