Win-win with charitable giving at Morris, Hall & Kinghorn law firm

CAVE CREEK – Giving back to the community is a strong sentiment at Morris, Hall & Kinghorn. Not only is the law firm able to help its clients include nonprofit giving in their estate planning, the founding partners encourage their attorneys to champion causes of their own.
West Hunsaker (r), who can often be found in MHK's Stagecoach Village office, is active with the Carefree Kiwanis, Make-A-Wish Foundation, as part of the National Policy Advisory Council and a Wish grantor, and Phoenix Children's Hospital Foundation. As some of the most vulnerable members of society, and as a father of four, Hunsaker has focused his efforts on children and their families. Whether it is fellow lawyers or the clients they serve, at MHK they know different things are important to different people. With each attorney being personally active in various charities, if asked, they can suggest organizations relevant to clients' concerns.
In these slowly-easing tough economic times, charities are also financially-challenged. Naming a 501(c)3 in your estate plan is a win-win for all involved. Not only is a charity left funding to carry on its good deeds, there's a legacy left in one's family name, and planning can be set up so the gift is income producing while the benefactor is living. The legal professionals at Morris, Hall & Kinghorn can show you how!
At MHK, they not only made their clients' best interests a priority, but they care about their neighbors. "Our firm is not typical in that it's not often the boss tells you to take time away from your job and go help in the community," Hunsaker said. As a matter-of-fact, a few months earlier, Dan Morris closed the firm (even recruiting staff from offices outside Phoenix) and everyone spent the day helping at St. Mary's Food Bank. When it comes to estate planning for your own loved ones, wouldn't it be nice to use a law firm that exhibits so much compassion, so much caring to guide you?
See more online at or phone 602-249-1328.