JUNE 19, 2013
Everyday a “beautiful smile” with no pain, all gain

Dr. Mikhail Prokopets creates beautiful smiles by offering full service, state-of-the art dental practice for all ages. He is devoted to restoring and enhancing the natural beauty of your smile by using his years of professional experience.
He believes in upholding a “standard of excellence" of the personalized dental care his patients deserve. He provides expert treatment and planning, in both restorative and cosmetic dentistry, so his patients can achieve rewarding dental health. If ever a dental emergency occurs he makes every effort to see and care for his patient immediately.
“Gaining the trust of my patients and colleagues means my education, expertise, professionally and personally helps give my patients the ultimate in dental health,” he states. “I am very proud to be a member of several elite groups such as American Academy of Implant Dentistry, The Congress of Implantologists, International Association for Orthodontics and American Academy of Craniofacial Pain.”
Dr. Prokopets says his education has served him well and his continued educational courses help him to achieve better ways to treat his patients.
1) Graduate, B.S., Kirovograd College of Music, Ukraine (1975)
2) Graduate, D.D.S. Ukranian Medical Stomatolgies/Academy (1986)
3) Graduate D.D.S. Marquette University School of Dentistry (1994)
Post Graduate Education
1) United States Dental Institute (orthodontics).
2) Temporomandibular Joint disorders and sleep dentistry.
3) Myofacial pain, Implantology, Cosmetic Dentistry, CAD/CAM Dentistry.
His special interests, besides taking care of his patients, are: music, computers and working out.
Every first and third Wednesday of each month, check out Dr Prokopets’ ads for specials, then call 480-515-1464 and start working on your "beautiful smile."