Feature Articles
FEBRUARY 20, 2013
Tips to get Tabby to the Vet
Bringing your cat into the vet is not always an easy task. I have seen the scenario many times where a cat owner is unable to find their cat, unable to get her into the carrier or the yowling on the way into the hospital is just unbearable. These are just a few of the reasons that make cat owners cringe when they think of taking their cat in for veterinary care. Well, I hope that I can help make this less than desirable prospect a little less stressful for you.
Welcome to the home stretch
Prior to playing hockey, we old-timers warm up, some by skating on the ice, others by Jack Daniels on ice. After a light skate many of us head to the side boards, fall to the ice, assume assorted amphibian poses and try to stretch out our whatevers.
Fortune-cookie aphorisms
You and I know very well, that most people talk to their dogs. If you have a Border Collie, you also know, but probably won’t admit it in polite company, that your conversations are intelligent discourses. But please don’t be telling any of your government healthcare friends I told you that. You know, any excuse under Obamacare to commit a Conservative! My dog Arbuckle and I were driving around the neighborhood the other day checking out homes that might belong to gun owners.