February 20 - 26, 2013
For All Signs: Mercury, the ancient god of business and routine communications, turns retrograde on Feb. 23. It remains so until March 17. This event occurs on varying dates approximately three times each calendar year. While this planet is in retrograde motion we experience frequent changes of plans and schedule. The old teachings, often authoritarian, tell us never to begin anything important while Mercury is retrograde because our plan won't turn out as desired. The signs most affected during this retrograde are the mutables, Pisces, Gemini, Virgo, and Sagittarius.
Aries: Take your vitamins and get plenty of rest this week. You are subject to allergic reactions or opportunistic viruses that cross your path. Speak from your heart and do not allow your ego, which wants only to look good, to take your words hostage. Heed the words, “If you can’t say something nice...,.”
Taurus: A compelling project or new relationship that began in January may be mildly ruffling your feathers now. Take this one slowly and carefully. It is important you remain in charge of yourself. Do not allow yourself to be carried away on someone else’s freight train. Use caution until you have more information.
Gemini: You are caught between what you should do and what you want to do. The routine is safe, but also boring. Your mind may play tricks on you and you could be distracted easily. This is not a good time to do work that requires discipline with details. You are feeling independent, so you may want more alone time than is the norm.
Cancer: You begin the week with a high mood and plenty of energy. People or circumstances from your past may surface. The full moon in Pisces on the 25th shines a bright light on travel plans, legal interests, publishing, internet, siblings, or educational activities.
Leo: It is entirely possible that you are not seeing yourself or your situation with clarity at this time. You may not be grounded in the realities of life. Take care that you don't promise way more than you can deliver. You are tempted to spend more dollars than is good for you now. Ask a friend to help you make decisions.
Virgo: It may seem that every time you attempt to concentrate on any sort of detail, someone or something begins to interfere. Bitsy parts will not cooperate or can't be found. It may take 2 to 3 trips to the hardware store or the grocery market to collect what you need to complete the task. Take heart. The time is short.
Libra: A situation that generated intense feelings during January is now up for a next step. If you pursue this, you probably need to seek more information. Ask questions of the person(s) or entities involved. Step forward slowly and cautiously because this could be costly in energy, time, or money.
Scorpio: Be aware that you could be hypersensitive to criticism at this time. Make an effort not to make a huge drama out of a minor slight. It is important that you have mental activity this week. If your mind is not productive, then you may become irritable and say things you don’t really mean.
Sagittarius: This is a week in which you want to please other(s) in your life. Aspects suggest that in your zeal, you may go way overboard, beyond what is good for you. Don’t make promises that you can’t fulfill. Beware of any offer that looks “too good to be true”. Yes, it is. Don’t bite, lest you lose.
Capricorn: Circumstances involving love life, play, and money may feel tight. You could experience an emotional droop near the 25th, in which you perceive yourself to be alone in the world. This is a temporary mood, so don't take it so seriously. Focus instead on the immediate present and don’t project way down the track.
Aquarius: Necessary expenses (those not of the "fun" type) may develop this week. If not that, you could be just having a little blue mood. It is one of those times when we operate better in solitude. This is an existential dilemma that everyone encounters now and then. It will pass quickly.
Pisces: Give attention to the lead paragraph. Mercury is turning retrograde in your sign and will be more likely to affect your daily affairs than many of the other signs. It isn't easy for you to make decisions in the first place, but don't even try to finalize anything while a retrograding Mercury is with you.
Are you interested in a personal horoscope? Vivian Carol may be reached at 704-366-3777 for private psychotherapy or astrology appointments. Visit www.horoscopesbyvivian.com.