AUGUST 8, 2012
Local author and childhood friend launch effort to help Maasai tribe
Marilyn Parver of Kingman and Karen Keilt of Carefree know life without water is not doable. But what if you lived somewhere where the only water available was the water you could collect after it dripped off your mud hut, following a rare storm? Or if the only water around was at a vile muddy river pit a five mile hike away from your hut and everyone in your village used that same muddy water to wash, to cook, and to drink?
AUGUST 8, 2012
Operation Homefront receives sixth consecutive four-star rating from Charity Navigator
Operation Homefront announced today that it has earned its sixth consecutive 4-star rating from Charity Navigator.
The newest addition at Southwest Wildlife
Southwest Wildlife recently received a mule deer fawn that was found by a man in the mountains near Tucson.
Purchase your Charles Schwab Cup Golf Tickets from the Desert Foothills Library
A great library fundraising opportunity.
Desert Stages Theatre Presents ‘High School Musical Jr.’
Charging the Children’s Theatre with cheerful songs and an encouraging tale, Desert Stages Theatre presents High School Musical Jr.
Kennan Thompson joins Copper Wind cast
Cave Creek-based Keenan Thompson will star as J.P. Kelly in Copper Wind, the only full-length feature western to be filmed exclusively in Arizona.