FEBRUARY 23, 2011
Valley dogs rescue raises over $7,000 to provide needed support services for Phoenix-area homeless vets and their pets
SCOTTSDALE – The garage sale hosted by Valley Dogs Rescue to benefit Vets and Their Pets on Feb. 12 was a huge success, raising over $7,000 dollars in sales and monetary donations to benefit homeless Veterans in the Phoenix area who need help with their pets, and greatly raising the visibility of the Vets and Their Pets cause.
Often transitional housing will not allow homeless Veterans to bring their pets with them which creates a great need for foster care for the pet while their owner gets back on their feet. These Vets, who care so much for their pets, also need assistance with medical care, food and other pet care.
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FEBRUARY 23, 2011
Horse Dental Care
February is National Pet Dental Health Month. As with humans, pets benefit from having good oral hygiene. Dental disease can lead to pain, tooth loss and infection in other organs when bacteria from infected teeth and gums enter the blood stream and circulate throughout the body.
“Regular dental care is important to the well being of today’s horse,” notes Dr. Cleet Griffin, clinical assistant professor at the Texas A&M College of Veterinary Medicine & Biomedical Sciences. “Foals and weanlings are examined to check for proper skull and dental development as well as alignment of upper and lower jaws. This is followed by routine checkups every six months until about five years old. Once the adult teeth are in place, annual teeth exams should be performed.” Keep reading ...