FEBRUARY 23, 2011
Valley dogs rescue raises over $7,000 to provide needed support services for Phoenix-area homeless vets and their pets
SCOTTSDALE – The garage sale hosted by Valley Dogs Rescue to benefit Vets and Their Pets on Feb. 12 was a huge success, raising over $7,000 dollars in sales and monetary donations to benefit homeless Veterans in the Phoenix area who need help with their pets, and greatly raising the visibility of the Vets and Their Pets cause.
Often transitional housing will not allow homeless Veterans to bring their pets with them which creates a great need for foster care for the pet while their owner gets back on their feet. These Vets, who care so much for their pets, also need assistance with medical care, food and other pet care.
Gary, a Vietnam Vet, and his dog, Libby, were at the heart of creating the event. Gary had endured losing his job, wife, and home and then was involved in a terrible car accident that required major surgery – all within months of each other – and Libby needed care and a place to stay during those difficult times. Due to other situations similar to the story of Gary and Libby and over 300 homeless Veterans with pets in the Phoenix area, Vets and Their Pets was formed. Valley Dogs Rescue hosted this garage sale for this reason and will continue to engage the surrounding community through future events to raise funds for this special cause.
Tori Levitt came up with the idea to hold the garage sale and with the help of her son, Nash, pulled off an amazing event. "When presented with the opportunity to help Gary and Libby, and countless other homeless Vets with pets, it seemed not only logical but do-able to create a large-scale, neighborhood garage sale with the help of many donors, Veteran supporters and animal lovers throughout the valley,” Levitt said. “It is by far one of the most satisfying experiences I've ever had. I would encourage everyone to consider similar fundraisers for the many causes and inexhaustible needs of those less fortunate in our community.”
“The outpouring of support for Veterans and Their Pets has been overwhelming,” Michael West of Valley Dogs said. “The garage sale was an unimaginable success. Tori went above and beyond anyone’s expectations – a garage sale has never been so organized. A plea for help from one homeless Veteran has rallied hundreds of people to take action. These funds will be an incredible foundation upon which we will build an ongoing support network and most importantly provide assistance for Veterans and their pets.”
Vets and Their Pets will be organizing other events soon. The organization will be looking for more support in the near future for upcoming fundraising events and activities.
For more information visit Facebook: Vets and Their Pets.