AUGUST 26, 2015

Governor’s Youth Commission - Inspiring youth to take the lead

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PHOENIX – The Governor’s Office of Youth, Faith and Family is pleased to announce that the Governor’s Youth Commission (GYC) class of 2015 – 2016 is back to school and ready to inspire youth across the state to take the lead in their communities. This exceptional group of high school sophomores, juniors and seniors from all fifteen counties will mobilize youth to help solve the greatest challenges facing teens today.  For a full list of commissioners and their counties please visit our website at

The GYC formed five committees that focus on: Substance Abuse, Bullying, Teen Dating Violence, Distracted Driving and Civics Education.  The committees will meet monthly to address these issue areas, create campaigns, and implement service projects. “We look forward to the GYC making a big impact for the youth in their communities and setting a good example of leadership among their peers,” shared the GOYFF Director, Debbie Moak.

The GYC was formed in 1989 with the purpose to engage youth through innovative programs, events and campaigns that effectively serve their communities. The commission will inspire and empower other youth to lead and participate in local volunteer programs.