Trump electrifies capacity crowd in Phoenix

Donald Trump originally planned to hold Saturday afternoon’s event at the Biltmore Hotel. However, tickets were “sold out” for the free event shortly after they were made available, while the wait list quickly grew into the thousands. The venue was subsequently changed to the Phoenix Convention Center. Photos by Linda Bentley
PHOENIX – After speaking earlier in the day at FreedomFest, a libertarian gathering at Planet Hollywood in Las Vegas, Donald Trump electrified a capacity crowd at the Phoenix Convention Center on Saturday. The venue was changed on Thursday from the Biltmore Hotel when the demand for tickets far exceeded the Biltmore ballroom’s capacity.
The Rev. Dr. C.T. Wright, who was elected as a state committeeman and an elected delegate to the Republican National Conventions in 2008 and 2012, delivered the opening invocation for the event.
Known for his powerful and uplifting invocations, Wright is a favorite speaker at numerous GOP events and meetings.
Supporting Trump and his comments about illegal immigration, Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio said the recidivism rate amongst illegal aliens in his jails, who are primarily from Mexico, is around 38 percent.
Arpaio said he and Trump share the same views on illegal immigration and even share the same birthday, June 14, Flag Day, although he said they were in different years.
Stating there is a silent majority that understands the problems associated with illegal immigration, Arpaio said many illegal aliens end up in his jails.
Driving the message home was Mary Ann Mendoza, the mother of fallen Mesa Police Sgt. Brandon Mendoza, who was killed last year after being hit head-on by Raul Silva-Corona, a wrong-way driver with a blood alcohol level three times the legal limit as well as being high on methamphetamine.
Silva-Corona, who had been living in the country illegally for two decades, was previously wanted on charges of burglary, assault and leaving the scene of an accident.
Before driving head-on into her son, Mendoza said Silva-Corona drove drunk and high on meth for over 35 miles the wrong way on four different freeways.
She said he was in the country illegally, was convicted of previous crimes, had no Social Security number and no valid driver license, yet he was able to purchase a vehicle, which he was then able to register and drive in Maricopa County.
According to Mendoza, the federal government was well aware of the fact Silva-Corona was an illegal alien in 1994 when he was convicted of crimes in Colorado.
A group of about 50 protesters, mostly Mexicans, gathered outside the event calling Donald Trump and Sheriff Joe Arpaio racists.
To emphasize the effect illegal aliens have on American citizens and their families, Trump brought Jamiel Shaw, Sr. to the stage in Las Vegas.
Shaw’s 17-year old son was shot numerous times and killed in 2008 by an illegal alien from Mexico who mistook his son’s red backpack for rival gang colors.
Shaw heard the gun shots while he was talking to his son on the phone.
Trump wasn’t without humor as he made fun of the mainstream media with headlines claiming things such as “ESPN severs ties with Trump.”
Trump said ESPN rented his club for a day, so when they canceled he took their deposit and rented it to someone else.
He stated the same was said about NASCAR, which he said was the same scenario, so he took their deposit and rented it out to someone else for more money.
When Macy’s cut his clothing line due to pressure from illegal immigration supporters, Trump said thousands of people cut up their Macy’s cards.
Trump hit three hot-button topics: border security, trade agreements that are fair to Americans and an increase in military levels, all of which seem to resonate with citizens as high priorities.
Numerous attendees indicated Trump understands what they’ve been saying for years and firmly believe he will act on his words.
Trump says he can make America great again and judging from the reactions he’s getting, citizens believe him.
At only 29, Tyler Bowyer, the youngest chairman to ever serve the Maricopa County GOP (MCGOP), refused to bow to Sen. Jeff Flake’s request that the MCGOP not host the Trump event.