Arpaio calls for congressional investigation of Obama’s fraudulent documents
Greater Phoenix Tea Party Patriots to host event at Celebrity Theater on Sept. 22 to support Arpaio’s call for congressional investigation

Pat Boone Dr. Terry Lakin Sheriff Joe Arpaio Mike Zullo
PHOENIX – It was the Tea Party that initially petitioned Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio to investigate president Obama’s eligibility to appear on the ballot in Arizona after the birth certificate he unveiled to the public on the White House’s website on April 27, 2011 was deemed a forgery by numerous document experts.
Expecting to clear the president, Arpaio assigned a Cold Case Posse (CCP) team, at no expense to taxpayers, to investigate the document.
While in the process, the CCP looked into Obama’s Selective Service registration, which was purported to be a document fraudulently created in 2008.
CCP lead investigator Mike Zullo presented preliminary evidence during a March 1 press conference indicating they had probable cause to believe both documents were forgeries.
During a subsequent press conference held on July 17, Zullo was able to conclude the birth certificate presented by Obama on April 27, 2011 was a computer-generate forgery and reiterated the Selective Service registration was not just a forgery, but a poorly done one at that.
Arpaio found himself with a dilemma. What could he do with the information? Ordinarily, he said this sort of evidence would be turned over to the U.S. Department of Justice.
However, U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder is suing Arpaio for allegations of racial profiling, which Arpaio and his deputies, many of whom are minorities themselves, have fervently denied.
The only other option would be to hold a congressional investigation.
Getting Congress to touch what the leftists have branded a “birther issue,” is another story.
To show their support for Arpaio for sticking his neck out for them, by investigating Obama’s fraudulent documents, and to call for a congressional investigation, the Greater Phoenix Tea Party Patriots will be hosting an event on Saturday, Sept. 22 at the Celebrity Theater, 440 N 32nd St., Phoenix.
In addition to Arpaio and Zullo, featured guests include Pat Boone, who will speak and sing; former LTC Terry Lakin, the Army flight surgeon who was stripped of his military career for standing behind his officer’s oath; Bettina Viviano, Hollywood movie producer of “We Will Not be Silenced,” exposing the Clintons’ and Democrat’s knowledge of Obama’s ineligibility; and Tom Ballantyne, author of “Oh Really, O’Reilly! The Spin Starts Here … Apparently!”
Doors will open at 10 a.m., the program will start at 11 a.m. and the meet and greet/photo opportunities will follow from 1:30 – 3 p.m.
Tickets are $25 ($30 on day of event) for reserved seats plus meet and greet session and photo opportunities with guests and speakers, and $10 ($15 on day of event) for general admission.
Drinks will be available for purchase.
Purchase tickets online or by phoning the Celebrity Theater box office at 602-267-1600. There is a $5 handling fee per order on advance purchases, not per ticket but per order.
Ticket sales have been brisk since Friday when the Tea Party announced the event via social media and e-mail.