Feature Articlespet news


May 25, 2016

Mini donkey open house at Triple R Horse Rescue

Fourteen miniature donkeys finally arrived at Triple R Horse Rescue to meet their families and begin new lives in Arizona. All of the tiny donkeys have found forever homes with loving families and will formally be adopted at the horse rescue.

The public now has the chance to see them in person before they go to their respective homes.


What makes the Fontus Bottle uniquejames k white

The popular urban legend that you likely swallow 8 spiders each year while sleeping was made up, totally unsupported by research.  One study indicates that you probably swallow zero spiders each year –snoozing or otherwise. Speaking of spiders, the black widow variety with the red hour-glass shape on its underside has two peculiarities: (1) The mark serves as a warning for birds to steer clear and (2) The red is almost invisible to yummy prey such as insects or silverfish.