By Marielle D. Marne | May 4, 2016
Remember Four Seasons Home Services for HVAC and plumbing needs
CAVE CREEK – Wind. It’s not your AC’s friend. According to Four Seasons Home Services owner Kevin Morriston, dust in the air can clog your condenser coils, which greatly reduces the efficiency of your air conditioner. Put in a call to this family-run company, you’ll likely get Kevin’s wife, Jessica, for their limited-time $59.95/unit AC tune-up special before the heat roars in. Average lifespan for an AC unit in Arizona is 10 to 12 years, so if yours is eking by, consider a new one while prices are lower. It is not a myth that homeowners get the best prices on air conditioners when it’s cooler and heaters when it’s hot. Summer is when running your air accounts for about 60 percent of your energy bill, so a new unit could save you money sooner than later.
By Marielle D. Marne | May 4, 2016
Sonoran Beauty Salon welcomes stylist and aesthetician Lisa Juszczyk
CAVE CREEK – “How much maintenance do you want?” That’s one of the first questions hair stylist Lisa Juszczyk of Sonoran Beauty Salon asks clients. With 20 years experience, she knows that’s an important issue for people in today’s time-strapped society. Her queries don’t end there since she says communication is the key to a good cut. Juszczyk takes the time to get to know each of her customers, and with their input, she guides them with not only the best cut and/or color but also the products for the healthiest tresses.
Business to Business

BLACK MOUNTAIN COFFEE SHOP - Now celebrating their RE-GRAND OPENING and wants to thank all of their customers for their past and future support. They still off er their Delicious Roasted Coffee, Home-made Breakfast & Lunch & their incredible Biscuits & Gravy. Breakfast at reasonable prices - THE MOUNTAINEER - two eggs (any style) choice of Bacon, Ham, Sausage, Home Fries, delicious Country Gravy & Biscuits, Homemade Cinnamon Roll..$11.95. THE GRUBSTAKE - Their Famous Chicken-Fried Steak two eggs (any style), Home Fries & Biscuits. ..$10.95. THE CARNI-VORE - 6 oz. Flat Iron Steak served with two eggs (any style), Home Fries, choice of Biscuits or Toast. Black Mountain Coffee Shop is located at 7211 E. Ho Road, (Spanish Village) Carefree, AZ. Call 480-488-9261. Check out our complete menu for Breakfast and Lunch at
CAREFREE ACUPUNCTURE & CHIROPRACTIC CENTER - Dr. Jay McFarlane & Staff , are having a Health & Wellness OPEN HOUSE on SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 6th from 9 a.m. to 12 noon. Topics of discussion, Anti-Aging Recommendations, Relax-ation Techniques, Tennis and Golf injury Prevention, Metagenics Product Samples, Essential Oil information and Explore Wellness Options. Drop by the Open House on Saturday, February 6th at Carefree Acupuncture & Chiropractic Center located at 7518 E. El-bow Bend Rd., Carefree, Az. between 9 12 noon or call 480-488-9647 for more information.
UNITY OF CAREFREE / CAVE CREEK - Have you been searching for an open-minded, accepting spiritual community that honors all paths to God and helps people discover and live their spiritual potential and purpose? Join us on Sunday at 10 a.m. and experience a worship service that uplifts and transforms as Rev. Lori combines music, meditation and a timely message to start your week on just the right note. Join us at 5504 E. Palo Brea Lane, Cave Creek or call 623-738-4694 for directions or visit
AT - YOUR - SERVICE - “We are Home Watch & Property Care-takers,” and we keep a watchful eye on your home while your away. (We are not pet sitters). We specialize in to and from Sedan Service, Professional Housekeeping, Mail Pick Up & Forwarding, Car Care Service starting and driving your cars around the neighborhood weekly. For more info call 602-789-1001 or visit
AFFORDABLE COMPUTER HELP - Is your Computer Crashing, Have Slow Internet Brousing, Email Viruses, PC Needs Tune-Up? Don’t Unplug That Computer....Mark Gogan can Help and he will come to you with his mobile service. Mark has 30 years of Reliable, Honest, Dependable, Computer Support Experience. Call Mark Today at 480-720-0233 for FAST MOBILE SERVICE or visit www.a?
PRO - DENTAL CARE - Restore your smile and Relax your Fears. Enhance your overall Health and Wellness. 2016 is here! Benefits Renew! Get the smile you deserve ! Pro-Dental is now offering these outstanding specials, $49 Complete Exam, X-Ray & Basic Cleaning for New Patients Only. $650 Same Day All Porcelain Crown new patients only. $1 Emergency Exam includes X-Rays new patients only. All offers expire on 5/18/16. Mikhail Y. Prokopets DDS offers Family Restorative, Root Canals, Implant Services, Orthodontics, Invisalign, All on Four & Same Day Crowns. Pro-Dental is located at 28260 N. Tatum Blvd., Ste A2, Cave Creek, Az. 85331. Call today 480-515-1464 or vist