April 27, 2016
Free and Equal Elections urges resolutions to ensure Super Delegates reflect will of popular vote
CAMBRIA, California – The nation's leading non-partisan, political organization issued a call to action to state legislators nationwide to ensure the will of the voters is not disenfranchised at upcoming Republican and Democrat State Conventions.
Christina Tobin, Founder and Chair of The Free and Equal Elections Foundation, and a former presidential debate moderator along with Larry King in 2012. said "let me be clear, the electoral process as it stands now is rigged. We are seeing the systematic disenfranchisement of thousands of voters on the right and the left because of an antiquated, good-old boy structure that rewards the establishment candidates while penalizing insurgents – and in 2016, its the insurgent candidates that have caught fire."
Free and Equal Elections will host its United We Stand Fest and Presidential Debate co-hosted by Student Voices Count at University of Colorado Boulder's Macky Auditorium this October. 25th. Free and Equal Elections is the umbrella group which will help bring everyone together to reform our electoral system throughout the United States of America.
Efforts are already underway in states like Maine, where Representative Dianne Russell (D) has drafted a resolution for her party's state convention that urges the super delegates reflect the will of the popular vote.
"We need more bold legislators like Dianne Russell." said Tobin. Voter disenfranchisement is not Democracy."
Free and Equal Elections is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization whose mission is to broaden electoral choices through education.