April 27, 2016
Reps. Salmon and DeSantis introduce constitutional amendment to hold Washington accountable
28th Amendment will prohibit Congress from exempting themselves from legislation
WASHINGTON, D.C. — As part of their effort to bring accountability to Capitol Hill, Rep. Matt Salmon (AZ-05) and Rep. Ron DeSantis (FL-06) have reintroduced a constitutional amendment prohibiting Congress from making any law that exempts Members of Congress from its implementation. The 28th Amendment will ensure that we remain a nation in which all citizens are equal under the law.
“Americans know full well that Congress refuses to hold itself accountable. They saw what Congress tried to do when it forced Obamacare on the public while attempting to exempt itself. This must end,” said Rep. Salmon (AZ-05). “This very necessary amendment would ensure that Congress always lives under the same rules as Main Street, and that no American need fear a law that doesn’t apply equally to their representatives in Washington.”
"Members of Congress are supposed to serve the American people, not act as an elite class exempt from the laws they pass,” said Rep. DeSantis (FL-06). “I applaud Congressman Salmon for his leadership in this effort to restore accountability to Capitol Hill.”
For more updates on Rep. Salmon follow @RepMattSalmon on Twitter, like Congressman Salmon on Facebook or visit http://salmon.house.gov.
For more updates on Rep. DeSantis, follow @RepDeSantis on Twitter, like Congressman DeSantis on Facebook or visit http://www.desantis.house.gov.