My View
April 20, 2016
Local politics
National primaries
Over the years we have guessed Terry Zerkle was trying to find a way to become the Cave Creek Town Manager. I mentioned in an editorial his resume is as shop worn as an old suit as he sought town manager positions here and there. His tenure as Tempe Town Manager is clouded.
He was titled a dark sider years ago from volumes of letters he sent to agencies claiming Cave Creek had done wrong on various projects and actions. In every case I recall, Zerkle was wrong.
Guest Editorials:
By Frosty Wooldridge | April 20, 2016
Hillary Rodham Clinton: An exceptionally dishonest life
Hillary Clinton lives a very dishonest life. From the time she enjoyed “first lady” status as the wife of Governor Bill Clinton in Arkansas, to her time as the president’s wife in the White House---all the way to Secretary of State of our nation … Hillary Rodham Clinton told-tells so many lies … she thinks lying equates to normality.
By Rick Manning | April 20, 2016
How many additional murders are acceptable to the GOP?
Just read the headlines and you will shake your head in disgust.
“Border Patrol Agents: Illegal Aliens Walking ‘Out the Front Door,’ ‘We Don’t Know Who We’re Releasing’
So, About Those Non-Violent Drug Offenders That President Obama Pardoned…
Gallup: Fear Of Crime, Violence Soars To 15-Year High, 53 percent ‘Worry A Great Deal’
Chicago’s grim murder trend blamed on light sentencing, misguided reforms
And last but now least… Senators close to ‘Willie Horton’ fix in criminal justice bill
By Jane M. Orient, M.D. | April 20, 2016
All candidates are in denial about defense
All the presidential candidates have opined about the military, or about war—over there. Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria—and now Paris and Brussels.
But none have dared mention the subject of defense of American citizens in the event of war—over here. Not a terrorist attack or mass shooting that causes dozens or even hundreds of casualties, but war that causes thousands or millions of casualties and levels vast expanses of infrastructure.
By Robert Romano | April 20, 2016
Solving the labor participation puzzle
Since 2000 labor force participation in the U.S. — that is, the percent of people working or looking for work — which has been dropping almost every single year, from an unadjusted average annual 67.07 percent in 2000 to 62.65 percent in 2015.
The question over that period is whether the drop in participation is benign owing to certain factors, such as the aging workforce, or if it underscores any fundamental weakening of the U.S. economy.