By Linda Bentley | April 20, 2016
Early voting begins for May 17 special election
CAVE CREEK – By now, voters should have received their publicity pamphlet for the May 17 special election containing information about Propositions 123 and 124 to amend the Arizona Constitution, along with all the arguments for and against the propositions.
I’ll start with Prop. 124 because there were no opposition statements filed.
Prop. 124 allows modifications to the Public Safety Personnel Retirement System (PSPRS) that allows the legislature to revise the formula for providing pension benefit increases for retirees, survivors and current members of PSPRS.
By Linda Bentley | April 20, 2016
Council upholds previous vote on Meritage Homes
Stating Steve Betts will be coming to council to address the state land, Francia said, ‘It should put some of this fear mongering to rest’
CAVE CREEK – In order to run for mayor or council, one must either file a statement of CAVE CREEK – Buffalo Chip owner Larry Wendt spoke during Monday night’s Call to the Public first to thank the town for its support during Bike Week, stating business was very steady throughout the week.
Wendt also wanted to update everyone on the rebuild and assured people that it will be coming back as the Buffalo Chip and when they see names like Cowpunchers on applications it’s just the name of the LLC.
By Linda Bentley | April 20, 2016
Objectors file exceptions after New Jersey ALJ declares Cruz eligible
‘Congress does not have the magical ability to convert Canadian-born Ted Cruz into an American-born Ted Cruz’ 
TRENTON, N.J. – On Tuesday, New Jersey Administrative Law Judge Jeff Masin declared Sen. Ted Cruz, despite being born in Calgary, Alberta, Canada, met the constitutional requirements to be president and could appear on the New Jersey presidential primary ballot.
By Linda Bentley | April 20, 2016
No surprises in Cruz eligibility challenges
Williams raised the ‘irregular appointment process’ by which Masin self-reported that he was ‘recalled’ to preside over this matter
TRENTON, N.J. – After Administrative Law Judge Jeff Masin determined last week that Sen. Ted Cruz meets the constitutional requirement of natural born citizen and may remain on the New Jersey ballot, objectors filed briefs with exceptions to his initial decision.
April 20, 2016
David Smith announces his Cave Creek Town Council candidacy
As a Cave Creek citizen, I have served on the town’s budget and water advisory committees and now chair the Planning Commission. I have substantial management experience; my last employment was Deputy Director of the NYS DOH Center for Environmental Protection.
April 20, 2016
11th Drug Take-Back announced by DEA
Throughout Arizona from 10 a.m. – 2 p.m. on Saturday, April 30
The 11th National Prescription Drug Take-Back will take place Saturday, April 30 from 10 a.m. - 2 p.m. local time. As with the previous ten Take-Back events, sites will be set up throughout communities nationwide so local residents can anonymously return their unwanted, unneeded, or expired prescription drugs for safe disposal. (DEA cannot accept liquids, needles or sharps.)
Local drop off locations are the Black Mountain precinct of the Phoenix Police Department at 33355 N. Cave Creek Road in Phoenix and MCSO District IV, Cave Creek Station at 37622 N. Cave Creek Road in Cave Creek.
April 20, 2016
Les Peterson announces candidacy for Mayor of the Town of Carefree
Carefree mayor Les Peterson has declared his candidacy to continue as the mayor of the town. Les assumed the duties of mayor in the early spring of 2015, when the previous mayor, David Schwan, resigned due to illness.
“We have made great progress in enhancing downtown Carefree for the enjoyment and utilization of our residents and visitors,” Mayor Peterson said. “We can’t stop now, and the next few years are critical to the town’s future. Much remains to be accomplished.”