By Don Sorchych | March 30, 2016
We are under consideration
In case you haven’t noticed Islamic Mosques have invaded our country, quietly and effectively, with little stated in the media. For example, according to Google, New York has 257 mosques, California has 246, Texas has 166, Florida has 127 and Arizona has 17. Again according to Google there has been a 74 percent increase of mosques in the last decade, which is dominantly during Hussein Obama’s administration.
Imagine the future of America’s Christianity and Judaism while our churches and synagogues are surrounded by a religion that hates any religion but Islam?
Before you say “so what?” we are being evaluated for expansion right here. From anonymous real estate sources we find we are in serious consideration.
What suits their fancy?
We know of three properties being considered. The first is our splendid Museum. The second is our controversial Library and the third is Harmony Hollow, which is a gateway to Spur Cross Ranch.
I hope the owners of their properties will resist any purchase and Cave Creek Town Council will purchase Harmony Hollow instead of sitting on their hands.
By Linda Bentley | March 30, 2016
Beggarsigns.com opens in Cave Creek
CAVE CREEK – There’s big money to be made in begging and having the right sign to draw sympathy and money out of motorists pockets is key.
Cave Creek entrepreneur Melissa Kirkpatrick has found a niche market in crafting signs, such as the one pictured here, to look authentic and handmade with a message drivers, waiting at long freeway entrance/exit traffic signals, can read and still have time to dig out some dough.
Those interested in purchasing a sign may either draft their own message or have Kirkpatrick help with the wording.
And all beggar signs are printed on high quality corrugated cardboard with torn edges for authenticity.
Kirkpatrick also makes silk screened campaign signs and other printed materials but said there’s a booming business in begging where the cost of a sign is relatively miniscule compared to the tax-free income those who beg for a living make.
As business booms for Kirkpatrick, she recently began selling franchises nationally for her beggar sign business.
Visit beggarsigns.com to purchase a sign or for more information about a franchise.
By Linda Bentley | March 30, 2016
Cave Creek and Carefree on list of 190 cities to receive Syrian refugees
‘We will welcome the Syrian families to make homes and new lives in our cities’
CAVE CREEK – Despite the fact intelligence agencies have asserted they have no way to properly vet Syrian refugees and ISIS has admitted they will infiltrate refugee programs, the Obama administration is forging ahead with resettlement of 85,000 refugees in 190 cities and towns across the country.
Under Arizona, the Department of State Refugee Processing Center Affiliate Directory for receiving refugees lists the International Rescue Committee in Cave Creek, Lutheran Social Services of the Southwest in Carefree and a number of other nonprofit and religious organizations in Phoenix and Tucson.
While many of the cities and towns slated to receive refugees have protested resettlement in their communities, the mayors of 18 U.S. cities, all of whom are part of the Cities United for Immigration Action coalition, signed a letter to President Obama stating they are willing to accept even more refugees than the numbers proposed by the administration.
They wrote, “We will welcome the Syrian families to make homes and new lives in our cities.”
On March 24, Lebanese education minister Elias Bousaab warned Britain’s Prime Minister David Cameron that two in every 100 Syrian migrants smuggled into Europe are ISIS-trained radicals.
He said ISIS is sending trained jihadists “under cover” to attack targets in the West.
As Islamist terrorists bombed the airport and train station in Brussels on March 22, Obama was watching a baseball game in Cuba with Communist dictator Raul Castro before heading on to Argentina to learn to tango.
Responding to reporters in Argentina the following day about the terror attacks in Brussels and if the attacks “changed anything,” Obama said, “I’ve got a lot of things on my plate … Groups like ISIL can’t destroy us. They can’t defeat us. They can’t produce anything. They’re not an existential threat to us.”
By Linda Bentley | March 30, 2016
Carefree to review 24-hour convenience store for Easy Street
CAREFREE – As the $50 million exclusive Easy Street condominium project, featuring 44 luxury condos ranging in price from $600,000 to $2.5 million, prepares to break ground, the developer has been eyeing ways to make the town center more vibrant at all hours.
While the company initially envisioned some sort of cultural venue at the ground level of his project, they are now looking into a 24-hour convenience store such as 7-Eleven or the Japanese retailer FamilyMart Co.’s Famima!!, both of which have introduced upscale versions of the 24-hour convenience store.
7-Eleven is the largest chain in convenience retail that operates, franchises and licenses approximately 58,300 stores in 17 countries.
What started out as an ice house in Dallas, Texas back in 1927 has grown and evolved into the world’s largest operator, franchisor and licensor of convenience stores.
As 7-Eleven was looking to reposition and rejuvenate its stores to better capture the millennial and female demographics, it commissioned WD Partners to evaluate and develop a new store experience that would align with the wants of their ever-evolving customer base.
After performing market research, reviewing retail trends and evaluating current operational efficiencies, WD Partners redesigned the logo, brand identity, store design, graphics, signage, fixture design, and store layout to accompany the new healthy offering and community engagement themes.
Even though 7-Eleven has sold wine for nearly 40 years, pretty much focused on low-end types, in 2013 it began selling ultra-premium wines, including Kim Crawford Sauvignon Blanc from New Zealand and La Crema Chardonnay, Louis Martini Cabernet Sauvignon and Wild Horse Pinot Noir from California.
Although the developer was also checking into the possibility of a Famima!! store, FamilyMart began shuttering its stores in California and appeared to be pulling out of the United States.
The developer didn’t feel Circle-K, which has two stores in the Cave Creek town core, was upscale enough for Carefree or for his project in particular.
However, he said it would be nice to have a 24-hour convenience store residents can walk to and pick up beer and wine as well as organic and gluten-free offerings, and, with the new upscale redesign of 7-Eleven stores, it might be a perfect fit.
The concept will go before the planning and zoning commission in June for review.