March 30, 2016
AG Lynch pushes illegal alien voting agenda in 2016
FAIRFAX, Va.—Americans for Limited Government President Rick Manning issued the following statement in response to the Department of Justice's decision not defend the Election Assistance Commission in the case League of Women Voters v. Newby by consenting to an injunction against the Commission:
"Americans expect that only those eligible to exercise the right to vote will be participating in our 2016 national elections, yet the Obama Administration's lackeys at Attorney General Loretta Lynch's Justice Department are doing everything in their power to allow their new illegal alien power base to vote.
"The latest outrage is the Justice Department decision to not only deny the independent, non-partisan U.S. Election Assistance Commission the ability to legally defend themselves in federal court against a League of Women Voters lawsuit disputing their finding that Alabama, Kansas and Georgia's state voter identification laws complied with federal law, but to actually support the plaintiff claims to the contrary.
"As Democrats whine that Senate Republicans are being unfair by unambiguously exercising their Constitutional right to not allow Obama to flip the Supreme Court in the last eleven months of his term, Lynch dutifully seeks to put her finger on the scales to taint the 2016 election process to pick Obama's successor.
"Congress needs to provide immediate, directed funds to the Election Advisory Commission to defend their ruling. Moving federal funding from Lynch's Civil Rights Division, an agency that sees itself as an adjunct of the Bernie Sanders wing of the Democratic Party, and into the Election Advisory Commission as part of any bill that is passed to provide relief to Puerto Rico, would be an important step in re-establishing both Congress' Article One authority and the rule of law within Loretta Lynch's Justice Department."