March 16-22, 2016
For All Signs: The spring equinox occurs on March 20 at 12:37 a.m. EST. This is one of the two points in the annual cycle at which we (theoretically) experience equal days and nights. It is the moment the sun appears to move into the sign of Aries. For many agricultural and herding peoples of ancient times (pagans), the equinox was one of the eight holiday festivals of the year. It was customary in those days, to prepare for the coming season by welcoming its arrival through appropriate rituals and celebration. It is widely thought Stonehenge and other such structures were built for the express purpose of marking the seasonal changes. Now in our air conditioned, urbanized society, we hardly give the equinox a moment's thought. It is a sad development we so rarely honor the annual cycle of Mother Earth in our culture.
Aries: Both the Sun and Mercury are moving into your sign this week, bringing at least one, if not two or more new beginnings at this time. For the next three weeks there will be much in the way of moving from place to place, phone calls, and communications by all every means.
Taurus: Be aware that you are in a sensitive frame of mind and may misinterpret that which is said to you. You may be the one who hears what you want to hear. So take your impressions with a grain of salt until you clarify what was originally intended.
Gemini: Early in the week you may be tending an old emotional or physical wound. This could be your own or that of another. Circumstances may seem to repeat themselves in not so pleasant ways. The mood or activity will change on the 21st and you will move into a much better place.
Cancer: You may not be feeling quite comfortable with yourself this week. It appears your mind is in conflict with your feelings. Do the best you can to deal with this issue up front, perhaps by journaling or discussing it with a friend. Keep in mind that there is not a mandate for you to settle on a decision right now.
Leo: At this time of year, the Sun shines upon your 9th house of travel and expansion. You are probably already making plans for your next vacation. Aspects favor opening yourself to greater territory in your life. You may be thinking of beginning a new study, a spiritual pursuit, or creating a website.
Virgo: Love, romance, play, pleasures and creativity will be on the menu this week. You may be seeing the positive development of a creative work begun a long time ago. Your partner or a very close friend is wounded, whether physically or emotionally and needs some of your attention.
Libra: Events of this week trigger your sense of compassion and draw you into the need to assist in the healing of another. As you live into this experience, you will discover that having compassion also heals you. Your spirit will be lifted. Don’t avoid the call.
Scorpio: At last! The Sun shines and there is a breakthrough of the clouds in your life. You may become the leader in a project that will be good for many. Love life appears or perhaps it improves and you are enjoying your roles in life. This is a time in which you may realize that your struggles have been worth the effort.
Sagittarius: This will be a week to celebrate. You are recognized for the value you bring to the world at large. It is possible the results bring improvements in your income. Meanwhile your reflexes are “off” right now. Watch the accelerator foot and handle sharp instruments with respect.
Capricorn: This spring you are given a boost of power by Jupiter. This represents the help that comes to you from behind the scenes. Legal, educational, publishing and religious interests are bent in your favor. You can make progress in these arenas at this time.
Aquarius: Life is tough on you right now. You do not have all the resources you need, but the Waterbearer always has a Plan B up his/her sleeve. Hold onto faith and hang tough—you will accomplish the goal with perseverance and hard work.
Pisces: The next couple of weeks are especially good for discussing important subjects with partners. You each are in a cooperative frame of mind and communications flow well. You can give and receive mutual help at this time and improve the overall energy in the relationship. Your senses are wide open to the energies around you. You may have psychic flashes or unusual dreams.
Are you interested in a personal horoscope? Vivian Carol may be reached at 704-366-3777 for private psychotherapy or astrology appointments. Visit