My View
BY DON SORCHYCH | March 9, 2016
Insanity in the Republican Party
Letters to the editor
Local Election
The Republican Party is insane! The donor class, the movers and shakers of the party have inducted Mitt Romney to try a hatchet job on Donald Trump. He already has delivered a disgusting litany about Trump.
If they all hadn’t been corrupted, reporters would list the establishment party members by name so we know who is using Romney to try to take away our Trump support.
Guest Editorials:
By Laura Capello, Laura Pastor and Kate Gallego | March 9, 2016
Nonprofit and Phoenix officials urge 300 males to volunteer
The U.S. Education Department reports that 19 percent of high school students didn't graduate in 2012-2013. Alarmingly, Arizona is above the national average with 25 percent of adolescents not graduating. Reports show children who spend time with a mentor are less likely to engage in risky behavior and 52 percent less likely to skip school. In hopes of raising awareness about the essential benefits of mentorship, Big Brothers Big Sisters of Central Arizona (BBBSAZ) and My Brother’s Keeper Phoenix have joined together and forged a yearlong commitment to recruit 300 new male mentors.
By Robert Quinn | March 9, 2016
Presidential Eligibility Requirements
In eight years I have written approximately forty letters denouncing Barack Obama's illegitimate takeover of the Office of President of the United States. Copies of each letter were sent to most everyone mentioned within the letters and to all on my e-mail list. Initially,I expected to find Obama eligible, but, to my surprise, from day one evidence surfaced showing he used deception, lying, limited fraudulent documents, even silence to hide his ineligibility from the eyes of America. By his efforts he displayed his true colors, which, to no surprise, did not include red, white, or blue!
By Rick Manning | March 9, 2016
No lame duck Trans-Pacific Partnership trade deal
A decade ago, "free trade" supporter Thomas Friedman of The New York Times appeared on CNBC with the late Tim Russert and declared there was no free trade agreement he would ever oppose.
"No. Absolutely not," he said.
Friedman went on to acknowledge he had written "a column supporting the CAFTA, the Caribbean Free Trade initiative. I didn't even know what was in it. I just knew two words: free trade."
By Robert Romano | March 9, 2016
Will the GOP establishment try to steal the nomination at the convention in July?
As the Donald Trump presidential campaign continues to gather momentum and delegates toward the July 18 through 21 Republican nominating convention in Cleveland, Ohio, there is an emerging theme in GOP establishment circles.
And that is the idea of a brokered or even stolen convention in which the candidate with the most delegates or even a majority of the delegates still somehow does not emerge as the party's nominee.