MARCH 2, 2016
Sens. Kirk and Collins called on to join the GOP in Supreme Court fight
FAIRFAX, Va.—Americans for Limited Government President Rick Manning issued the following statement urging Senators Mark Kirk (R-Ill.) and Susan Collins (R-Maine) to stand with their party in the U.S. Senate against President Barack Obama’s Supreme Court nomination:
“Our nation faces its greatest internal divide in more than 100 years, and the Supreme Court’s current composition reflects that division. Many of the issues that will define the next century are likely to be decided by whoever is the next member of the Supreme Court, and it is fitting that the American people should have a say in that process.
“The easy and cowardly path would be to rubber-stamp whoever the current lame duck President appoints. However, with fewer than eleven months remaining in his term and a hotly contested election in both parties, it does a grave disservice to the voters of the United States to consider a nominee from someone who will soon be a footnote in history.
“Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell and Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Chuck Grassley have it exactly right. And Senators Collins and Kirk have it exactly wrong. This Supreme Court nomination will define the future balance of that institution. The whole point of the Republican Senate majority at this point in history, if any, is to stop Obama from fundamentally transforming America in his final year in office, and his Supreme Court nomination will unquestionably shift the balance of the court and the nation. If that is the will of the voters, let it be decided in November at the polls, not by a lame duck President.”