MARCH 2, 2016
Sen. Mike Lee offers bill to end net neutrality
FAIRFAX, Va. – Americans for Limited Government President Rick Manning issued the following statement urging members of the U.S. Senate to cosponsor legislation by Sen. Mike Lee (R-Utah) that will bring an end to so-called net neutrality regulations by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC):
"Sen. Mike Lee once again shows his commitment to reining the Obama administrative state's regulatory onslaught and stranglehold on the U.S. economy. Lee's offering a bill that will repeal FCC's so-called net neutrality regulations and prohibits the Commission from issuing any similar regulations until such time that Congress authorizes it to act is the exact kind of application of Congress' Article One responsibilities that all members of Congress should follow.
"In one of the most outrageous Obama Administration actions to date the FCC voted to do that which Congress denied through the Agency's administrate rewrite of the 1934 Communications Act to treat broadband Internet as a utility under Title II. The whole process averted the constitutional law-making process, and Sen. Lee's bill restores Internet freedom, while properly reasserting Congress legitimate constitutional power to make law.
"The fact is, net neutrality regulations guarantee higher rates, less competition, and a regulatory burden that stifles innovation in the technology industry. Sen. Mike Lee is to be thanked for taking on this tough issue."