February 10, 2016
Signature Flight Support must divest Landmark FBO operation at Scottsdale
After BBA Aviation acquired Landmark Aviation this past fall, it would mean the company would eventually became the sole FBO operator at Scottsdale Airport, owning both the Signature Flight Support and Landmark Aviation operations in Scottsdale.
As expected, the situation has been reviewed by the U.S. Department of Justice Antitrust Division, which has directed BBA to divest the Landmark operation at Scottsdale Airport (along with five others) as a precursor to receiving regulatory clearance.
"The merger would have subjected general aviation customers at six airports to a monopoly or duopoly for critical fueling and support services," said Assistant Attorney General Bill Baer of the Justice Department’s Antitrust Division.
Under BBA’s settlement agreement, they will need to divest to a buyer approved by the Department of Justice.
At this point, it is unknown who that buyer will be.