january 27, 2016
Women in Wildland Fire Boot Camp 2016
Application Deadline:
Friday, February 5, 2016
Selected applicants will be notified by February 12, 2016
Do you want to help your community and your country?
Do you want to be a leader and role model?
Are you physically fit?
If so, you may have what it takes to become a Wildland Fire Fighter!
The USDA Forest Service, Southwest Region, is seeking a small group of career focused women to be on-call Wildland Fire Fighters for the 2016 fire season. These on-call positions will provide support to Wildland fire operations over the summer when needed and can help pave the way for future employment and career advancement inside of the Forest Service. If you are selected for this opportunity, your first assignment will be a Women in Fire Boot Camp. The Boot Camp will provide comprehensive, formal physical Wildland Fire Training and orientation. Upon successfully completing this training each person will receive a Wildland Fire Fighter certification and protective gear.
Position Details
Persons selected to these positions will provide temporary emergency support on wildland fires and other emergency operations nationally as well as throughout the Southwest. The Boot Camp assignment will provide the basic firefighting training and some preparation for the Work Capacity Test (WCT) that is required in order to meet National Wildfire Coordinating Group Red Card qualification as a Wildland Fire Fighter (see Minimum Federal Qualification Requirements below). All participants must pass the basic training and the WCT before becoming certified.
These positions are administratively determined (AD) emergency positions. If selected, you will be paid for the Boot Camp training and your physical fitness test, or the WCT. Base pay for these positions starts at the AD-B rate, of $15.96/hr. Once selected for this work you will need to remain on call. The main duty stations will be located in Arizona and New Mexico. However, you may be expected to travel within the Southwestern Region or across the country, on short notice for work assignments lasting up to 21 days. Please note this is an intermittent position with a workload entirely dependent on fire conditions both in the Southwest and across the Nation. This position does not guarantee any kind of permanent work but it is a good starting point for those interested in a career with the Forest Service.
While on wildland fire assignments, you may be expected to be away from your home for an extended period of time. You may be exposed to primitive living conditions such as camping in wilderness areas away from electricity, showers, and with no cell phone reception for days on end. On the other hand you may be placed in hotel rooms with all the amenities in downtown areas of major US cities. Operating vehicles both on and off road, hiking, commercial flights, boat rides, and mission flights on helicopters are just some of the modes of transportation to be expected on the job.
Wildland Fire Fighters can operate in close proximity to open flames, heat and smoke. The work can be physically demanding requiring up to 16 hour work days for up to 14 days in a row without a day off. The work consists of hiking, carrying heavy equipment, operating fire apparatus, working near heavy machinery, and using hand tools such as shovels, Pulaskis, and chainsaw, sometimes in high stress situations. Respect, flexibility, understanding, crew cohesion, and teamwork are the foundation of any good fire fighter. Exhibiting these principles both on and off the clock is expected.
Major Duties
• Participate in training.
• Participate in physical fitness.
• Keep yourself and your equipment fit for duty, in response ready condition.
• Remain on call for response to wildland fires and other emergencies.
• Travel and work 14- and possibly 21-day assignments, possibly out of the state.
• Safely engage in wildland fire suppression and other emergency response operation activities.
Minimum Federal Qualification Requirements
1. Must be 18-37 years of age (exceptions will be considered)
2. Must be in good mental and physical condition
3. Must be able to pass basic wildland firefighter training (provided)
4. Must be able to pass the Agency work capacity test at the “Arduous” level.
This involves a 3-mile walk that must be completed wearing a 45-pound weight vest, in less than 45 minutes. Pack test will be scheduled during the second weekend session. (pack provided)
Training and how to Apply
Please fill out attached application, Health Screening Questionnaire, WCT Informed Consent Form, and return via mail, fax or email, following the directions on the Application. Training will be held March 4-6 and March 11-13. There will be two locations where training sessions are held. You need to mark which location you are submitting your nomination for. You must attend both weekends and complete all training in order to receive a certificate.
Arizona Session:
Phoenix Interagency Fire Center
6335 S. Downwind, Suite 101 Mesa, AZ 85212
Please return completed Nomination Form, Health Screening Questionnaire, and Work Capacity Test Informed Consent Form via mail, fax, or e-mail:
Mail: USDA Forest Service
Attn: Colleen Loretto 333 Broadway Blvd. SE Albuquerque, NM 87102
Fax: (505) 842-3806
E-mail: [email protected]
For more information please visit http://www.fs.usda.gov/main/r3/fire-aviation