january 27, 2016
Online applications for 2016 pronghorn, elk hunts now being accepted
Deadline is 11:59 p.m. (MST) Tuesday, Feb. 9
PHOENIX – The Arizona Game and Fish Department now is accepting online applications for 2016 hunt permit-tags issued through the draw process for pronghorn antelope and elk. To apply online, visit www.azgfd.gov/draw and scroll down to “Apply for a Draw.” For an overview of the online application service, including license requirements, applying for bonus points and payment information, see Page 10 of the “2016 Pronghorn Antelope and Elk Hunt Draw Information” booklet. Printed booklets also are available at all Game and Fish offices and license dealers statewide.
The deadline by which the department must receive all applications – online or paper – is 11:59 p.m. (MST) Tuesday, Feb. 9, 2016. Postmarks do not count. Paper applications can be mailed to: Arizona Game and Fish Department, Attn.: Drawing Section, P.O. Box 74020, Phoenix, AZ 85087-1052, or dropped off at any regional office statewide. As a reminder, a valid hunting license (or combination hunting and fishing license) is required to hunt wildlife in Arizona. No one under 14 may hunt big game without having completed a Hunter Education course. While it is not necessary for anyone 10 to 13 to complete a Hunter Education course before applying for a hunt permit-tag, these courses fill quickly.
Consider registering now by visiting www.azgfd.gov/huntered, or calling 623-236-7239.
For more information, visit www.azgfd.gov/draw, or call (602) 942-3000.