Feature Articles
JANUARY 13, 2016
Documentary on puppy-mill industry debuts in Arizona
TEMPE – The Arizona Animal Welfare League and Society for Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (AAWL & SPCA) is helping call attention to the unethical practices of “puppy mills” as a new undercover documentary debuts in Arizona. The film premieres in Tempe, as the City Council prepares to consider a law banning the sale of puppy-mill puppies, similar to the one passed in Phoenix.
By Frankie L. Trull | JANUARY 13, 2016
Ending canine research will kill both dogs and humans
Dogs have long been recognized as "man's best friend." But a new cancer study confirms that canines offer humans a lot more than companionship.
Scientists just identified new genes that may predispose humans to lymphoma, a common blood-borne cancer. They arrived at this discovery by studying naturally-occurring lymphoma tumors in dogs. The research could yield new treatments for humans with lymphoma.
MULLET OVER BY JAMES K. WHITE | january 13, 2016
Yawning and gaped-mouth blowing of big-eyed animals called tarsiers
The island of Great Britain is sinking – and rising. Geologists have defined a line that runs from Devon, through south Wales and then across the middle of England to north Yorkshire. Lingering effects of the last ice age are causing lands north and west of “the line” to rise and areas south and east to sink. In some regions, the results are striking, e.g. Harlech Castle was completed in 1289 (Edward I) with a gate opening directly into the Irish Sea. Now the structure sits more than a half mile from the sea with an elevation of approximately 150 feet.