JANUARY 13, 2016
Local DAR hosts program on putting veterans to work
Scottsdale-chartered Grand Canyon Chapter National Society Daughters of the American Revolution (DAR) held its inaugural 2016 luncheon meeting on January 2 at the McCormick, 7401 N. Scottsdale Road.
Guest speaker was Matt Nisbet, principal with veteran-owned-and-operated Arizona Veteran Security, founded to provide jobs for American men and women veterans. For more information on the company’s mission, training and services provided, contact: [email protected].
Matt Nisbet, EOD 1SG Retired U.S. Army, served several tours in the Middle East as a bomb-diffusing technician and is the prototype for the subjects of the film, “The Hurt Locker.” At the meeting the chapter also welcomed seven new members.
DAR is a nonprofit, nonpolitical volunteer organization dedicated to historic preservation, patriotic endeavor, and education for underserved youth.
Membership is open to any woman 18 years or older who can prove lineal descent from a Revolutionary War patriot. The next chapter meeting is February 6.
From l., : Marjorie Collins, membership chairman; new members Morgan Elliott (associate), Evelyn Patterson, Jody Svitak, Annie Riedel, Nancy Andison, Jill Mandeville, Brenda White; and chapter regent, Kathy Shields.
The program will be “Arlington and the Tomb of the Unknowns,” presented by Thomas Tudor, authority on the history of Arlington and president of the Society of the Honor Guard—Tomb of the Unknown Soldier. Guests are welcome.
For meeting details and reservations contact chapter regent, Kathy Shields, at 602.820.5427. For more information on the national society DAR and Grand Canyon Chapter, visit www.dar.org and grandcanyon.arizonadar.org.