Feature Articles
JANUARY 6, 2016
Parvovirus in Puppies
Vaccinations can prevent many illnesses in puppies, but viruses such as canine parvovirus are still a threat to dogs with developing immune systems. Young puppies often have immunity against the virus because they get antibodies from the colostrum in their mother’s milk, but these antibodies are not always as effective as a vaccine.
Golf. Antidote for PC
Happy New Year! My strange but brilliant wish for the New Year is for more and more Americans to take up the game of golf. On the fairways for some folks, golf might be a better way to smoke up your recreational grass. Not only because they would enjoy the game, but to experience an initial exposure to RULES that provide an ethical foundation for preserving truthful and honest conduct. It would initiate a fun way to promote an understanding of the concept of America’s fundamental guarantee of freedom entitled, “The Rule of Law.” That concept has preserved the guarantee of fairness and justice in a society governed by a Constitution and not by the “Rule of Man.”