JANUARY 6, 2016

Cave Creek Museum to host “Antique Appraisal Day” and “Cave Creek Pioneers” Family Program and more in January

CAVE CREEK – Cave Creek Museum is gearing up for an exciting New Year! Located at 6140 Skyline Dr., Cave Creek Museum features an extensive collection of prehistoric and historic artifacts that describe the lives of Native Americans, miners, ranchers and pioneers.

The museum hours are Wed., Thurs., Sat. and Sun. from 1 ‒ 4:30 p.m., and Fri. from 10 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.

The January event schedule follows:
Saturday, January 9
“History Highlights: Arizona’s Greatest Battle 2 ‒ 3:30 p.m. A presentation by Salt River Pima Maricopa Indian Community covering the battle of native peoples. Free to Museum members and $5 for non-members. Reservations are requested.

Sunday, January 10
“Cave Creek Pioneers” Family Program 1:30 ‒ 3 p.m. Join the Museum for bread and butter making to celebrate the life of the pioneers in Cave Creek at the turn of the century. Discover how they were the real recyclers by weaving rugs, and playing games from yester-year. Add a new (old) game to your family evenings. Free with the cost of admission, and children ages 12 and under are always admitted to the museum for free. Reservations are requested.

Sunday, January 17
Historic Stamp Mill Demonstration 2 ‒ 2:30 p.m. Free outside demonstration. See this historic 1880 “Golden Reef Mine Stamp Mill” in action as volunteers crush hard rock ore in search of gold that can be separated and saved. The Museum is particularly pleased to showcase this 10-Stamp Mill that came from its own mining district and was originally located on Continental Mountain.

Wednesday, January 20
“Vino & Canvas” 6 ‒ 8 p.m. The painting class for adults includes all materials and libations. Tickets are $35, with $15 being donated to the Museum. Seating is limited. Register at www.vinoandcanvas.com.

Saturday, January 23
“Antique Appraisal Day” 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Appraiser Sean Morton will examine your treasures, discuss their origins, and assess their value. Mr. Morton is a member of the Antiques Appraisal Association of America and has more than 20 years experience in the fine arts and antiques field. Fee: $20 per item – limit of two items per person per session. You may attend more than one session. For information, call (480) 488-2764, or visit www.cavecreekmuseum.org.