DECEMBER 30, 2015
Make a New Year’s resolution to improve your health by minimizing indoor air pollutants
The average person spends 90 percent of his or her time indoors where pollutants accumulate to concentrated levels that negatively affect health.
At the Thursday, Jan. 7, Green Building Lecture you’ll learn what these pollutants are and how you can minimize their impact.
The free program runs from 7 to 8:30 p.m. at the Granite Reef Senior Center, 1700 N. Granite Reef Road.
Older energy-inefficient homes infiltrate outside air indoors through cracks and penetrations in exterior walls and ceilings while picking up dust and dirt along the way. Energy-efficient homes are weather-stripped and air-sealed in order to keep out summer heat and winter cold. In either case, everything taken inside a home eventually becomes a part of the air we breathe. The removal of dust, allergens, and infectious agents is crucial to maintaining a clean and healthy indoor environment. A healthy home improves indoor air quality by reducing the level of volatile organic compounds, formaldehyde and allergens that negatively affect our health and how we feel.
Meanwhile on the outside of our homes, conventional lawn maintenance injects chemicals and pesticides into the environment while consuming lots of water and fuel that produce 5-10 percent of the nation's air pollution. Find out about environmentally appropriate alternatives.
Special guest speakers include Gerard Windstein, president/founder of Organic Living/EcoClean and Jeff and Kim Grout, owners of Clean Air Lawn Care.
This lecture is one in a series that includes:
Feb. 4 – Living an Edible Landscape Life
March 3 – Got Fresh Air? Everything You Need to Know about Getting Enough Air into Your Homes
April 7 – Beyond Reflectivity: The Future of Energy Efficient Roofing
May 5 – Green Schools
June 2 – Green Innovative Built Projects
Learn more at and search “green building.”