DECEMBER 16, 2015
Roses in the desert
Roses have always been a part of nature’s landscape design. Fossil evidence shows that roses have been around for at least 30 million years. Some type of rose has been discovered growing wild in almost every habitable place in the northern hemisphere of our planet. The southwest desert is no exception. Did you know that about 65% of all roses grown in the United States are grown in Arizona?
You can grow beautiful roses in the desert. This is the best time of year to buy and plant them. All of the local nurseries and garden centers will have a large assortment of roses around the middle of December through the middle of February. Roses range from tiny miniatures to towering climbers with all sizes and shapes in between. You are limited in your selection only by space.
Don’t miss this opportunity to plant the “queen of flowers” in your garden now and reap immediate pleasure. On Saturday, January 9, Carefree Desert Gardens invites you to become inspired and learn everything you need to know about selecting, planting and growing roses. Wearing another of his many hats, we welcome back LeRoy Brady. He, as a volunteer, designed, and is Past Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Mesa Community College Rose Garden, one of 12 American Rose Society testing sites in the U.S. He evaluates the test roses at the garden. He is an American Rose Horticulture and Arrangement Judge and Master Consulting Rosarian.
The program, usually including a plant raffle, will begin at 9:30 a.m. and run approximately until noon in the Town Council Chambers located in the U.S. Post Office Building, 100 Easy Street, Carefree. A $5.00 (or more) donation is appreciated to support these programs. For information call 480-488-3686. Come early. Seating is limited.
This is the first of four programs of the Winter 2016 season.