DECEMBER 9, 2015
Defund OSHA union walkaround rule in omnibus, ALG urges
FAIRFAX, Va.—Americans for Limited Government President Rick Manning today issued the following statement urging Congress to take up a defund in the 2016 omnibus that would prohibit the use of funds for the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) union walkaround rule:
"Congress has the opportunity to stop one of the more absurd Obama Administration labor rules by defunding what is known as OSHA's walkaround rule in the upcoming omnibus. The Labor Department ruling allows union representatives to join OSHA inspectors on non-union company sites with the goal of increasing the likelihood of employees and management acceding to organizing efforts. The House Appropriations Committee rightly acted in June to defund this onerous rule in the underlying legislation for the Labor HHS spending bill.
"This blatant attempt at government coercion and intimidation has no place in U.S. law, and Congress can stop it in its tracks in the upcoming Omnibus funding bill. Failure to overturn Obama's payoff to his Big Labor supporters would represent Congress walking away from the concept of equal justice under the law as the OSHA enforcement power will be skewed by the active presence of a biased advocate."